Grammar through Poetry Write a 5-line poem following these prompts: On the first line write a noun of your choice 2. On the second line write two adjectives joined by and to describe this noun. 3. On the third line write a verb and an adverb to describe this noun in action. 4. Start the fourth line with Like or As followed by a comparison. 5. Start the final line with If only followed by a wish.
Noun web gloves house anger Obama Eiffel Tower Person Place Thing Feeling Noun
Verb wrote viewed skating flying thought action action action action exploding thought viewed skating wrote action action action action action action Verb 3
Adjective sharp sleepy spooky striped magical delicate describes house describes scarf describes web describes pencil describes book describes boy Adjective 4
Adverb slowly angrily sweetly crossly happily describes sound excitedly describes mood describes sound describes mood describes movement describes mood Describes feelings Adverb 5
Grammar through Poetry Darkness Black and silent Breathing behind you Like a monster on your back If only shadows could be brighter.
Grammar through Poetry noun Darkness Black and silent Breathing behind you Like a monster on your back If only darkness could be brighter. adjectives verb and adverb personification
Grammar through Poetry Hero Brave and Strong Fighting courageously Like there is no tomorrow If only I had the courage that he has.
Grammar through Poetry Noun Mother Teresa Adjectives Spiritual and compassionate Verb/adverb Sheltering endlessly Like/As As if each being is her own If only / wish If only her life-force was within all of us.
Grammar through Poetry Noun Adjectives and Verb/adverb Like/As As if If only / wish If only 10
Grammar through Poetry Noun Jack Adjectives Curious and foolish Verb/adverb Clambering perilously Like/As As if there was no possibility of danger If only / wish If only the giant hadn’t fallen asleep! 11 11
Grammar through Poetry Noun Adjectives and Verb/adverb Like/As Like If only / wish If only 12 12
Grammar through Poetry Noun Adjectives and Verb/adverb Like/As Like If only / wish If only 13 13 13