29 CFR 1918 – Subpart B Gear Certification
29 CFR 1918 – Subpart B 1918.11 – Gear certification
1918.11(a) – Gear Certification Employer must not use vessel’s cargo handling gear until ascertained that vessel has a current and valid cargo gear register and certificates.
1918.11(a) – Gear Certification ILO Convention 152 applies to annual thorough examinations after July 27,1998. ILO Convention 152 applies for testing after July 16, 2001. ILO Convention 32 can be used in the interim.
1918.11(c) – Gear Certification With respect to U.S. vessels not holding a valid Certificate of Inspection by USCG; Issuance of certificates must be made only by persons currently accredited by U.S. DOL.
1918.11(d) – Gear Certification With respect to vessels under foreign registries, persons or organizations competent to issue certificates required by paragraph (a) must be acceptable under 1918.11(d)(1-3) of this section.
1918.11(d)(1) – Gear Certification Those acceptable as such to any foreign nation.
1918.11(d)(2) – Gear Certification Those acceptable to the Commandant of the U.S Coast Guard.
1918.11(d)(3) – Gear Certification Those currently accredited by the U.S. DOL (OSHA), for full function vessels or loose gear and wire rope testing, as appropriate and as provided for in part 1919 of this chapter.