Sander Zwart Geospatial Opportunities & Rural Welfare Convening


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Presentation transcript:

Update geospatial activities @AfricaRice Sander Zwart Geospatial Opportunities & Rural Welfare Convening September 6-8, Seattle, USA

Research themes – spatial analysis Providing high-quality baseline maps of the current rice area (irrigated, mangrove, inland valley); Support the effective diffusion of scalable rice technologies by characterizing rice production systems / assess target nevironments; and Support agriculture investment by mapping high potential areas for rice development.

Mapping rice and characterization Irrigated rice Large-scale systems Gradual expansion Two seasons Rainfed upland and lowland Smallholder fields Intercropping Fragmented landscape Inland valleys / wetlands Very dynamic One rice crop Mangrove rice Cleared lands in forested areas Stable systems One season only

Mapping rice and characterization Irrigated rice Rice expansion and intensification Digitizing all irrigated systems Senegal

Mapping rice and characterization Irrigated rice Rice expansion and intensification MODIS time series and crop phenology assessment Single to double cropping Wet to dry season Senegal

Mapping rice and characterization Irrigated rice River valley region: Heat stress causing crop damage Floods Mauritania Delta region: Cold stress causing crop damage Salinity causing growth reduction Floods Senegal

Mapping rice and characterization Mangrove rice Baseline map 2013 Landsat 8 validated available as shp or kmz

Mapping rice and characterization Mangrove rice Mangrove rice characterization: Elevation Rice phenology Soils Elevation

Mapping rice and characterization Climate change 2 major seasons 3 time slices 4 RCPs subnational level Feeds into crop models for analysis of yield reductions

Mapping rice and characterization Flood frequency and scaling sub-1 rice varieties

Mapping potential for rice development Inland valleys data base (100+ parameters): Spatial data sets (population, streamflow acc, etc., slopes, soils) Survey results (socio-economic data) Random Forest analysis to assess parameters explaining the potential for development Spatial model to assess initial estimate for potential for development Remaining parameters as checklist for field validation

Mapping potential for rice development 2016-2017: National scales (Togo, Ghana, Benin) West-Africa

Thank you! Merci! Center of Excellence for Rice Research