Visuals by: Julianna Campesi Presented by: Ela Buczek Arthritis Visuals by: Julianna Campesi Presented by: Ela Buczek
Description of Arthritis Arthritis is a very common disease that many people face throughout their lives. There are over 100 types of arthritis such as: osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, and gout. it is the leading cause of disability in the United States. Over 50 million adults and about 300,000 children have arthritis. Description of Arthritis
There is technically no direct cause of arthritis, but there are some factors that may lead to it: Genetics A previous injury Infection Smoking Lifestyle, such as having a job that involves strenuous activities Causes of Arthritis
There are many forms of arthritis with varying symptoms, but the common arthritis symptoms are: Swelling Pain Stiffness Decreased range of motion Symptoms
There is no definite way to prevent arthritis, but there are ways to reduce the risk and at least delay the arrival of certain types of arthritis. Maintaining a healthy weight can help delay osteoarthritis. Not smoking can decrease the risk of getting rheumatoid arthritis. Also, eating a healthy diet that is low in sugar, alcohol and purines can delay gout. Avoiding injury is also a way to help prevent arthritis. Prevention
Treatment/Cure There is no cure for arthritis, though treatment helps. Medications such as Tylenol can reduce the pain; Opioids may also reduce pain, but they must be prescribed by a doctor. Medicinal therapy, such as DMARDs (disease- modifying anti-rheumatic drugs). This is a group of specific drugs that reduce swelling and stiffness over time. Physical therapy: hydrotherapy, physiotherapy, and occupational therapy may help as well. Surgery is a possible treatment if damage is severe. Joint replacements are now commonly used, as are reconstructive and pain-relieving surgeries. Treatment/Cure arthritis/what-is-arthritis.php information/conditions/arthritis/causes.aspx hritic_joints.jpg - Picture #1 1d31-4268-a53f-9d44f37b5910/3366bbde-ef79-46c3- acd7-007514f7a249.jpg - Picture #2 Conditions/Images/354024_CPPD_Arthritis-3sm.jpg - Picture #3 - Picture #4 References