Pre-Employment Transition Services and Partnerships in Texas Kevin Markel, MS, CRC – Statewide Transition Program Specialist Jennifer Svelan, Med - Senior Transition Counselor
Recent Changes for Texas VR Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) went into effect in July 2014. Texas Legislature moved Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) under the Texas Workforce Commission effective on September 1, 2016. The two designated state units for VR in Texas officially combined on October 1, 2017.
WIOA Requirement WIOA requires that we spend 15% of our federal Vocational Rehabilitation funds (about $36 million for Texas) on Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre- ETS) for all individuals who meet the “student with a disability” definition, including those who may be “potentially eligible” for VR.
What are Pre-Employment Transition Services WIOA describes five “required” service categories: Job exploration counseling, Work-based learning experiences (which also include Internships, Apprenticeships, and Volunteer Opportunities), Counseling on post-secondary training options, Workplace readiness training to develop social skills and independent living, and Self-advocacy instruction (including mentoring)
What are Coordinated Pre-Employment Services WIOA also describes four “coordinated” activities: Attend IEP meetings when invited, Attend person-centered planning meetings when invited, Working with local workforce boards, one-stop centers, and employers to develop work experience opportunities for students with disabilities, and Working with schools to coordinate and ensure the provision of Pre-ETS to students with disabilities.
Partnering with Education Completion of an MOU with the Texas Education Agency in August 2017. Nothing in WIOA is intended to reduce or replace the school’s responsibility under IDEA. Pre-ETS are intended to be a student’s first exposure to work and work concepts with the purpose that the student leaves school more prepared for work and independence. VR considers the services students receive from the school and endeavors to build upon, support and enhance these skills (e.g. focusing on a complement of soft skills before moving on to actual work based learning experiences).
Utilizing Group Training Activities to Provide Pre-ETS In Texas, Group Skills Training activities ranging from half day seminars and workshops to week-long camps to comprehensive work-based learning programs have historically been utilized to provide valuable training and experiences to students with a primary disability of vision loss.
Work-Based Learning Experiences
Work-Based Learning Experiences Provides comprehensive residential experience Collaborates with Local Education Agencies Collaborates with universities Provides employability and soft skills training Provides self-advocacy instruction Provides recreational, socialization, and networking opportunities Provides for independent living and travel training Provides opportunities for career exploration Collaborates with employers to provide work-based learning experiences
Challenges to Providing These Experiences The final regulations on WIOA limit the scope of allowable funding for support goods and services when providing Pre-ETS. In other words, services like transportation, lodging, food, and maintenance cannot be paid for with the 15% set aside funds for Pre-ETS.
Additional Work Based Learning Experiences Statewide Work-Based Learning Program with the San Antonio Lighthouse for the Blind Summer Earn and Learn Program with the 28 Local Workforce Boards in Texas
Additional Initiatives to Provide Pre-ETS in Texas Charting the Course: Planning for Career and Life After High School Explore STEM Career Pathway Academies Transition Planning for Students in Private and Home Schools
Contact Information Jennifer Svelan (214) 378-2655 Kevin Markel (817) 759-3514