Proposed Charter/Mission To promote consistent understanding of what is Sustainability and Green by developing an industry standard vocabulary and contextually relevant information. Develop Green Business Maturity Model (GBMM) to help organizations (private sector, governments and others) assess, monitor and report on their level(s) of Maturity (a.k.a. Rating) of Green and Sustainability. Share Sustainability SIG's work with OMG groups and reuse/extend their standards as needed. Collaborate with other organizations to develop 'domain specific' (healthcare for example) extensions of GBMM Leverage standards from other organizations (where applicable and available) and promote awareness about GBMM work. Develop a Registry of Green Regulations and related 'Incentives' (as applicable) for Compliance.
General Updates Since last call additional interest from: Dr. Jonas Moses, and and his colleagues from, and Communicating with Yale, Harvard and Princeton University Sustainability Program stakeholders Yale is also leading a Ivy Plus Sustainability Working Group that consists of: Brown University Columbia University Cornell University Dartmouth College Harvard University Johns Hopkins University Massachusetts Institute of Technology Princeton University Stanford University The University of Chicago University of Pennsylvania Yale University Yale has a ‘Sustainability Glossary’ that could be used (need to check on any IPR issues)
Public face of OMG Sustainability SIG General Updates Call with Stanford’s Director and Manager of Sustainability on April 27th OMG Sustainability Information Day planned for Monday, Sept. 14th 2009 Part of OMG Technical Meeting (Hyatt Regency San Antonio, San Antonio, TX) Draft Agenda to be available by Monday, April 27th Placeholder topics, need to start looking for presenters At a high level: keynote, some case studies, round-table on GBMM Dimensions, panel discussion Public face of OMG Sustainability SIG Initial Content should be uploaded by middle of next week along with links to collaborating organizations Wiki will be reorganized to support GBMM work with submitters/reviewers only pages
SIG Roadmap (draft)