BY Engr. Mehran Mamonai Department of Telecommunication Engineering History of Internet BY Engr. Mehran Mamonai Department of Telecommunication Engineering
Introduction The Internet evolved from ARPANET and was developed by Advance Research Project Agency (ARPA) – Military wing (US-Defense). Design for point-to-point communication between mainframe computers and terminals.
Introduction First working Packet-switching Network. So successful that ARPA applied to Radio Communication (packet radio) Satellite communication (SATNET). ARPA connected three different networks using Internetworking protocol known as Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) Other organization helped ARPA were Cyclades (France), National Physical Laboratory (UK), Tymnet (California, USA) Which leaded to TCP/IP, basic foundation for the Internet
Key Elements Host Most host connected to Networks PCs, Workstation, Server, Mainframes and so on. Most host connected to Networks Local Area Network (LAN) or Wide Area Network Connected with Network Device such Router Each router is attaches two or more networks. Some hosts are directly connected to router i.e. Servers and some indirectly connected to router i.e. PCs or workstation via switches
Internet Architecture
Operation of Internet Host can send to other host anywhere on internet. Source host has to sent data in sequence of packets called IP datagrams or IP packets. Each packet is send to destination using unique address called IP address. Because IP is carried in packet, series of routers read the packet and decide destination path of packet.
Operation of Internet Group of LANs or individual are connected to internet via Internet Service Provider (ISP) through Point Of Presence (POP) Connection is made by Customer Premises Equipment (CPE) MODEM, DSL, Cable Modem and Satallite. Some companies share organizational trunk or lines from ISP for dedication connection.
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