Calibration Unit (on behalf of Miles Lindsey Clark) 14/02/2017, APC,FR
Calibration base mechanics LBL emitter Hydrophone Weight in air : 1,3 tons Weight in seawater : 890kg Rotating Lifting mast Under development by D.Cobas (APC) March 2017: design review prior to fabrication Laser Beacon -Revue des plans mécaniques prevue le mois prochain pour lancer la fabrication des pièces
Cable to last DU Cable to Instrumentation Unit
No major modification since last meeting Pas de modification majeure depuis le dernier collab meeting; some modifications requested in the design of the new FMC and power cards
FMC modifications 7 RS232 ports (EDFAS(x2):AC/DC:LB(x2):LBL:BP S) 1 [RS422] converter (for the IU) All lines galvanically isolated Switch for the Hydrophone Under development by G.Pellegrini En cours
BPS modifications Add 12V dedicated power lines to power the LBL and the IU independently Add a 5V powerline for the LB Add independent switches to these lines Upgrade DC/DC chip from 50W to 100W Dedicated 5V DC lines to the EDFAs Under developement by R.Cocimano En cours
Laser Beacon (under fabrication By R. Masullo) Carte LPMI+ en fabrication (under fabrication By R. Masullo)
Laser Beacon mechanics Titanium frame; qualification campaign foreseen in hyperbaric chamber En titane Lancement en fabrication une fois le choix de nouveaux connecteur fiables défini Campagne de qualification en caisson hyperbar prévue
Laser reach & quartz rod dimensioning reach of light: 200m (estimated from IFIC note on ANTARES Laser Beacon) 150m: maximal distance to Illuminate 10 DOMs on a DU T-shaped quartz rod: ZEMAX simulation ongoing Simulation sous ZMAX en cours
Status of the IU at CPPM Instrumental line : Present In CPPM : 2 IMM (inductive modem) 1 UIMM (inductive interface for non inductive instrument) 3 Aquadopp currentmeters (non inductive) (need to be adressed via extra interface (UIMM)) 1 SeaBird inductive CTD 2 SeaBird non inductive CTD (to be upgraded with inductive option) One 300m inductive câble KM3Net meeting, Strasbourg,26-28 September 2016, Pascale Keller, Alain Cosquer CPPM
Status on the IU at CPPM Status development In CPPM : Experimental inductive testbench operational in CPPM Inductive modem control is operational Communication with instruments via inductive modem is operational Test to choose serial link (CB/IU) protocol is finished : CLB communicates with RS232 IMM communicates with RS232 => conversion RS232/422 to assure the data transfert over the 50m interlink cable (tested on one equivalent 50m cable lent by DT INSU) Mechanics design is going on : (see next slides) KM3Net meeting, Strasbourg,26-28 September 2016, Pascale Keller, Alain Cosquer CPPM
General view : preliminary design Essential elements of subsystem line : buoy , instruments (devices), anchor (design in progress). Deployment and recovery every 2 years with optimal safety Wire rope + shackle Sling with four legs Connexion/deconnexion tools Survey tools Titanium frame Titanium base container Release system Deadweight UPE 200 X80 (steel)
Preliminary design, global dimensions : 1000 mm 1400 mm 1700 mm Design of titanium frame currently under going Design of electronics container under going Procedures of deployment and recovery of the French site IU have been studied
Calibration Unit TDR in preparation: KM3NeT_CALIB_WD_2017_001-TDR_CalibrationUnit_v1.docx on Google Drive December 2016: Workshop on KM3NeT and associated Sciences @ Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris (IPGP) real-time monitoring of marie environment & instrumentation for geophysics: the legacy of ANTARES & NEMO, plans for KM3NeT first contacts & disussions with IPGP, possible collaborations (interest in hydrophone networks for seismic studies)
Instrumented line requirements Essential elements of subsystem line : buoy , instruments (devices), anchor (design in progress). Deployment and recovery each 2 years with optimal safety Anchor functions : Deadweight (in steel materials) for anchorage (it is possible to add additionnal mass) The titanium frame integrate : the release system the connexion/deconnexion tools for the junction to the CB at the IU a survey and cleaning port a titanium base container ‘IB’ A sling with four legs to connect to the instrumented cable Compacity of anchor (link between the deadweight and titanium frame) during recovery and deployment phasis. KM3Net meeting, Strasbourg,26-28 September 2016, Pascale Keller, Alain Cosquer CPPM
Laser Beacon Specs Laser TEEM Photonics model STG-03E-140 532 nm (green) (from IFIC Note on ANTARES Laser Beacon) Conservative estimate of the maximum Detection distance: 200m ?
Constraints on the emission angle: ORCA 40m + (17x9m) =190m θmin = 6° θmax = 78° 40m to first floor CB Maximum detection distance: 200m dmax= 150m: max distance to illuminate 10 DOMs dmin = 20m