Reflections on Loggerheads & Longlining Tab B, No. 4(c)ii Reflections on Loggerheads & Longlining Trevor Kenchington Gadus Associates
Loggerheads & Longlining Recent trends in the loggerhead population Contribution of reef-fish longliners to those trends Policy goals, reference points, management targets and their absence
Loggerheads & Longlining Recent trends in the loggerhead population
Loggerheads & Longlining
Loggerheads & Longlining
Loggerheads & Longlining
Loggerheads & Longlining
Loggerheads & Longlining Nest Counts dropped about 45% Period of decline uncertain
Loggerheads & Longlining Nest Counts dropped about 45% Period of decline uncertain Probably reflects fewer adult females
Loggerheads & Longlining Nest Counts dropped about 45% Period of decline uncertain Probably reflects fewer adult females If so, at least partly a loss of adult females Temporary increase in mortality above levels in 1990s Decrease in recruitment to adult population may have contributed Approximately 25,000 fewer adult females
Loggerheads & Longlining Causes of the decline …
Loggerheads & Longlining Causes of the decline are unknown
Loggerheads & Longlining Causes of the decline are unknown Decline seen in adult females Does not necessarily indicate a decline in neritic juveniles
Loggerheads & Longlining Contribution of reef-fish longliners to trends in the loggerhead population
Loggerheads & Longlining Reef-fish longline fishery: Takes ≈ 350 loggerhead per year Kills ≈ 175 loggerhead per year Kills ≈ 30 adult loggerhead per year Sex ratio of takes and kills is unknown – could be 100% female
Loggerheads & Longlining To order of magnitude, annual deaths of adults due to R-F longlining are: 1% of all adult deaths 0.1% of adult population Over duration of decline in nesting, deaths of adults due to R-F longlining were: 0.1% to 1% of the 25,000 missing females, if deaths all female
Loggerheads & Longlining All deaths due to R-F longlining are: 0.001% of all loggerhead deaths <1% of anthropogenic deaths of neritic phase
Loggerheads & Longlining Policy goals, reference points, management targets and their absence
Loggerheads & Longlining Required percentage reduction in mortality …
Loggerheads & Longlining Required percentage reduction in mortality: What is the policy reference point ??