Costa’s Levels Review AVID 1
Costa’s and Cornell Review Take ALL of the notes on the right side When we finish (or if you are waiting for classmates to finish copying) write ONE question per chunk of notes on the LEFT side Summary will be completed at the end of class
Level 1 Learning at the level 1looks like: Definitions, simple principles Concrete, easily found answers What Mrs. Bogozan calls “Google” questions- if you can Google it, it is probably a level one
Level 2 Learning at the level two looks like: A manipulation or application of level one concepts You must be able to “read between the lines” and figure out the answer Compare/ contrast, analyze, apply, solve, etc. are typically level 2
Level 3 Learning at level 3 looks like: Application of knowledge in a new format or situation Requires creativity, imagination, and/or judgement Typically, these questions require the learner to support an opinion, create something new, or generalize a difficult concepts with evidence