Name:______________________________ Date___________________________ Choice Board This is your spelling choice board. Students who had 90%-100% on last week’s test can choose from boxes marked with a . Students who had less than 90% on last week’s test can choose from the boxes with a . Thursday night all children will study for the test. You must hand in activites. Have fun Write your words 3 times: Once in printing Once in cursive Once with your other hand. Friendly words: Write two words that share the same letter so they are touching. S READ Y Go Outside! Use sidewalk chalk or water and a paintbrush to write your words on the sidewalk or driveway. computer night. Go to Click create. Type each of your words 3 times. Send to your teacher Have someone test you. Write each word that you spelled incorrectly 5 times. Your choice! Choose any way you like to practice your words! Write how you did it on the line_________________ Use to practice your work. Go to find a list. Search Lauren MacKay. Syllable words Clap our the number of syllables in each word. Write the word the number of times you clap. Don’t forget to clap louder for the accented syllable. Choose 9 of your words to write in at least 9 sentences. 3 sentences in past tense. 3 sentences in future tense. 3 sentences in present tense. Parent Signature__________________________ 26