consumers want branded beef." "Producers will have no real control of the supply chain in the future, and neither will packers or retailers.... consumers control the supply chain, want changes in how beef is produced and marketed.... consumers want branded beef." Roger Blackwell (AMI/FMI Meat Marketing Clinic, 2000)
"Consolidation provides market power and multiple options for negotiating sales of fed cattle.... Consolidated Beef Producers, a marketing cooperative, develops programs that utilize negotiated value-based pricing, with the goal of obtaining optimum value for members' fed cattle while helping cattle feeders consolidate.... to remain independent." John Maday (Drover's Special Marketing Issue, 2003)
Failure to respond to this demand is not an option.“ "The consumer will place greater demands on the livestock producer to tell them where their food came from and how it was produced..... Failure to respond to this demand is not an option.“ John Paterson (ILC -- 2003, Houston TX)
"Canada, like the U.S., moved toward value-based marketing in the 1990s.... with opportunities to be involved in alliances, cooperatives, grid-pricing and branded beef provided by Western Feedlots, XL Beef, Cargill BEEFWORKS, BeefNet, Canadian Angus Beef program and Highland Premium Alberta Beef Alliance." Gary C. Smith (2003 Merial Canada Seminar, Niagara Falls ONT)
"Horizontal coordination involves groups of small-scale producers forming cooperatives or pooling cattle.... making group purchases of supplies, timing production, reducing genetic variation.... to gain bargaining and marketing power, while maintaining their independence." Gary C. Smith (2003 Rocky Mtn Beef Options Seminar, Billings MT)
the beef industry must deliver.... "The consumer is boss.... so, to grow demand, increase market-share, and improve profitability.... the beef industry must deliver.... a more consistent, convenient and high-quality product." Randy Blach (ILC--2003, Houston TX)
"To produce consumer-demanded beef.... best results are achieved if rancher, feeder, packer, retailer and food-service operator work together.... in a value chain, to satisfy the consumer." Bill Buckner (ILC--2003, Houston TX)
"When beef is considered a commodity.... in a multi-segmented, largely disconnected industry, profitability has often been determined by the ability of a particular sector to prey upon the transitory disadvantage of another sector.“ Chuck Schroeder (ILC--2003, Houston TX)
"Small-scale cow/calf producers can control their own destiny by: a. changing their genetics and/or management practices to improve sales value of their calves, or by.... b. developing their own markets for beef." Gary C. Smith (2003 Merial Canada Seminar, Niagara Falls ONT)
bedevils industry with inconsistency in its raw material." "Average U.S. beef herd size is 41 cows and number of breeds in use in 70+.... suggesting that too many part-time operators, using too many kinds of cattle, and not always employing good management.... bedevils industry with inconsistency in its raw material." Steve Kay (Western Livestock Journal, 2003)
"Vertical partnerships/alliances, with a goal of improving quality and reducing inconsistency at retail, offer opportunities for all marketing-sector participants to share in greater returns for beef products that.... because of their improved value, command greater consumer demand, and loyalty, in the marketplace.“ Paul Genho (ILC--2003, Houston TX)
"Being price-driven works for commodity beef.... but not for branded beef (as produced in alliances, vertically aligned supply chains, etc.)... because, to be consumer-driven requires that price be subordinate to profit for those in every segment of a coordinated supply chain." Bill Mies (ILC--2002, Houston TX)
that wish to survive and thrive.... "In an environment of continual consolidation, seedstock generators, cow/ calf producers, stockers/ backgrounders & feedlot operators.... that wish to survive and thrive.... must be willing to modify genetic selection and management practices.... to maintain, or gain, bargaining power." Gary C. Smith (2003 Producers AGM Seminar, Fredericton NB)