DeIndust-rialization Industrial Development JEOPARDY! Industrial Activity DeIndust-rialization POT LUCK Industrial Development TERMS 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500
100 DAILY DOUBLE!!!! Term describing an industry’s location no longer providing the original cost benefits, resulting in the industry’s leaving for a new location. What is DEGLOMERATION?
200 Economic activities that surround and support a large scale industries, such as shipping, food-service cafeterias, and human resources departments Ancillary Activities
300 DAILY DOUBLE!!! An increase in time and cost that comes with an increase in miles between two places is called this. What is FRICTION OF DISTANCE?
400 Term for the large-scale public systems, services, and facilities of a country or region that are necessary for economic activity. What is INFRASTRUCTURE?
500 Name IN ORDER the 3 Variable costs to minimize which Alfred Weber pointed out in his “Least Cost Theory” of Industrial location. What are: 1. Transportation 2. Labor 3. Agglomeration
100 This Country held ultimate Industrial dominance in Eastern Asia from approx. 1950-1980. What is JAPAN? 100 pt Bonus- What are the 3 world cities? New York, London, Tokyo
200 The term describing a zone in Northern Mexico that cheaply builds manufactured goods and supplies them tariff free to the USA? What is an EXPORT-PROCESSING ZONE? (MAQUILADORA?)
300 The establishment of this in 1995 promoted equitable industrial development / economic cooperation across North America. What is the North American Free Trade Agreement? (NAFTA)
400 A specific area within a country that gets special incentives / advantages / regulations from the government in order to attract foreign investment. What is a SPECIAL ECONOMIC ZONE?
500 Name the “Four Tigers” of Industrial competition in Eastern Asia. What are: South Korea Taiwan Singapore Hong Kong
100 This describes a center / node of high-technology research and activity. What is a TECHNOPOLE?
200 DAILY DOUBLE!!! Term for what the Periphery calls the Core’s process of controlling poor countries through economic means / laws. What is NEO-COLONIALISM?
300 Contextually speaking, why are London, Tokyo, and New York City referred to as “World Cities?” What is they are the primary centers of global control of finance and commerce.
400 Term for when one country, usually a core country, builds infrastructure / a factory etc. in another country (peripheral). What is FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT?
500 Based on the work of David Harvey, this concept addresses the social and psychological EFFECTS of living in a world where the movement of goods and information has been greatly accelerated. What is TIME-SPACE COMPRESSION?
100 The total value of all goods and services, both foreign and domestic, produced by a country’s economy in a given year is called this. What is GROSS NATIONAL PRODUCT (GNP)?
200 The term meaning to transfer cargo from one mode of carrier to another. What is BREAK OF BULK?
300 Term for the clustering of companies from the same industry in a specific location to draw from the same set of collective resources. What is AGGLOMERATION?* Bonus 100 pt. Q!! Accept / Decline? Give an example of an industry and where it has agglomerated? Computer Software = Silicon Valley, CA Movies / TV = Hollywood, CA Insurance = Hartford, CT Finance = New York City (Wall Street)
400 The negative effects on one region that result from economic growth in another is called this. What is the BACKWASH EFFECT?
500 What is a FOOTLOOSE INDUSTRY? (Footloose Firm) An Industry with no allegiance or ties to a specific location (close to raw materials / primary market) resulting from its dealings with small, lightweight, and always valuable products, thus making any location acceptable, is called this. What is a FOOTLOOSE INDUSTRY? (Footloose Firm)
100 Name the two specific countries in Africa that we have studied in class where genocide has occurred. What are Sudan and Rwanda?* Bonus $200 Visual Daily Double Q: Accept or decline, pick one member> ID each on the map (all or nothing!!!)
200 This desert in Africa lies in countries such as Namibia, Botswana, and South Africa What is the KALAHARI DESERT?
300 Regions that fail to gain from national state economic development are called these. What are ECONOMIC BACKWATERS?
400 How would Rostow’s Modernization Model characterize full economic maturity within a country? (Final Stage of Development) A HIGH MASS CONSUMPTION SOCIETY? (High per-capita incomes, Tertiary Sector Based Economy) 100 Pt Bonus- Unlike Dependency Theory which takes a __________perspective, Rostow’s Model takes a ________ perspective. Structuralist; Liberal
500 Name 4 of the 5 North African Countries that have a coast on the Mediterranean Sea. What are: Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco* Bonus 100 pt. Q!!! Accept / Decline??? What three African countries are represented by flags in Mr. Lane’s room? What are: Kenya, Angola, Mozambique