UNDP-GEF Project on Lake Tanganyika Best Practices and Challenges PARTNERSHIP INTERVENTIONS FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE STRATEGIC ACTION PROGRAMME FOR LAKE TANGANYIKA UNDP-GEF Project on Lake Tanganyika Best Practices and Challenges Case of Burundi Component : Wastewater Management in Bujumbura city By Celeus Ngowenubusa National Project Manager CeleusN@unops.org Regional Workshop for GEF IW Projects in Africa Grahams town, April 2-4, 2012,South Africa www.lta.iwlearn.org ..
Lake Tanganyika Project - Best Practices and Challenges 1. Basic information of Lake Tanganyika Item Altitude 773 m Area 32.600 km2 Volume 19.000 km3 Maximum Depth 1.470 m Mean Depth 570 m Length (mean) 670 km Littoral length 1.900 km Population in the basin 10 million PH 8.6 – 9.2
Lake Tanganyika Project - Best Practices and Challenges 2 .OVERVIEW OF THE PROBLEM: Lake Tanganyika Pollution
Lake Tanganyika Project - Best Practices and Challenges 3.Key activities: Intended outputs Output 1 : Tertiary waste water collection network constructed and commissioned Output 2 : The water treatment lagoon station improved in terms of quantity of water received and pretreatment facilities commissioned Output 3: Discharge monitoring laboratory established, approved and issued Output 4: Awareness of urban communities about the biodiversity and public health impacts pollution raised and monitoring inputs developed Output 5 : Project implementation study updated and project effectively managed , monitored and evaluated Inlet Channel 1
Lake Tanganyika Project - Best Practices and Challenges 4.1. Management of wastewater as well as solid waste along the lake: lack of financial means
Lake Tanganyika Project - Best Practices and Challenges 4.2. Capacity building is not sufficiently in terms of expertise(case of sampling, analyzing, interpretation of results, etc… Sample collection
Lake Tanganyika Project - Best Practices and Challenges Involvement of civil society, private sector as well as Government to co finance and sensitization: e.g.-Latest Word Water Day (22 March 2012)
Implementation of existing SAP? Lake Tanganyika Project - Best Practices and Challenges Is protection of Lake Tanganyika and its basin a priority for all decision makers involved? What about Sharing vision of management of Lake Tanganyika and its basin? What about mobilisation of funds to handle issues related to fishering, sedimentation, land use and urban areas in the basin, pollution, planning considering growth populations, research(TDA),...etc. Implementation of existing SAP? 6.Conclusion :remember that water= life
Lake Tanganyika= Food security= life. Thank you !!!! Lake Tanganyika Project - Best Practices and Challenges Lake Tanganyika= Food security= life. Thank you !!!!