LWFA using guided propagation of laser pulses in capillaries N.E. Andreev1), B. Cros2), P. Mora3) 1) Institute for High Energy Densities of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia. 2) LPGP, CNRS UMR 8578, Universite Paris XI, Orsay, France. 3) Centre de Physique Theorique – CNRS, Ecole Polytechnique, France. International Workshop on High Energy Electron Acceleration Using Plasmas 2005 HEEAUP 2005 : 8-10 June 2005 -Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris, France
Laser pulse channeling in a capillary waveguide ew>1 for the Gaussian laser pulse E(r) =E0exp(-r2/r02) Energy coupling to the main mode 98% at r0/a=0.645 z 2a Laser energy leakage: IL(z) = I0exp(- z / LD)
Wakefield generation in gas filled capillary
Wakefield generation in gas (H) filled capillary
Wakefield generation in a capillary filled with He
Radial structure of the wakefield at the plasma edge Numerical modelling is in a good agreement with analytical theory For the main mode in cylindrical capillary:
Long low-energy electron bunch will be trapped and compressed in the wakefield N.E Andreev., S.V. Kuznezov. Electron Bunch Compression in Laser Wakefield Acceleration.// http://icfa.lbl.gov/icfapanel.html/Newsletter/Special Issue: Giens Workshop Proceedings, June 24 - 29, 2001.
Energy spread decreases substantially at the end of accelerating phase ОИВТ РАН Energy spread decreases substantially at the end of accelerating phase in accordance with the theory for injected electron bunches of small radius
Spectroscopic Diagnostics of the Plasma Wakefield – Conclusion: Wakefield generated by short intense laser pulse in gas-filled capillary can be measured even in a nonlinear regime with OFI of gas filling capillary Hydrogen: Na=6.7×1017cm-3, Dcap=77 mkm, r0 / Rcap=0.645, kpr0=3.8, PL=9.6 TW, PL/Pcr=0.23 , qL= 1018W/cm2, t = 50 fs, l = 0.82 mkm
Conclusions on the Laser Wakefield Generation in Capillaries and Acceleration of e--bunches Regular resonant wakefield can be excited by the main mode laser field in a gas-filled capillary (of tens cm long) for the limited number of plasma wave periods. The length of a regular wakefield (for the same laser pulse intensity) increases for wider capillary, lighter gases, shorter pulses (higher plasma density). Radially profiled gas density or plasma channel in a capillary can provide decrease of laser energy losses (energy flux to the capillary walls), overcoming of the limitation on the wakefield length, wakefield structure suitable for the effective electron bunch compression (more than hundred times).