On a starry night… Year 2, Term 2, 2017 - 18 Space and Neil Armstrong English – non-fiction books and recount writing. History – moon landing, Neil Armstrong and comparing explorers . Geography – Planet Earth, seasonal weather and the UK. Computing –using Google Earth. Science –astronauts, weather patterns and Earth facts. Art – oil pastel planets. On a starry night… Year 2, Term 2, 2017 - 18 Light English – Van Gogh, conjunctions and apostrophes, ‘The Owl who was afraid of the Dark’. Science – sources of light and the importance of light. RE/Worship – Festivals. Art – Van Gough, produce your own version of ‘Starry Night’ and evaluate your work. Christmas preparations. Fabulous Fireworks English – DT instruction writing. PSHE – firework safety. Music – Christmas performance singing. DT – following instructions to make a paper rocket. Computing - creating firework night pictures. Science – exploding rockets – which is the best method?