Brain Rhythms in Health and Disease Nancy Kopell Boston University
What Are Brain Rhythms, and How Are They Measured? Electrical activity can be measured in vitro and in vivo: Single cells Local groups of cells (LFP) Non invasively (EEG, MEG) Peaks in spectral power delta (1-4 Hz) theta (4-12 Hz) alpha (9-11) Hz beta (12-30 Hz) gamma (30-90) Bragin, et al. Whittington et al. Jensen et al
Why Care About Rhythms? Strong associations between behavior and rhythms Repeatable and subtle changes in dynamics correlated to task Changes happen on time scale of behavior Brain rhythms associated with active sensing, attention, decisions, motor activity – all forms of cognition All (?) forms of neurological disease are associated with changes in rhythms Hypothesis: the changes is rhythms – and associated changes in coordination – are final pathway for disease related changes in cognition. Hypothesis: physiology underlying rhythms is central to their effects.
Working Memory: Different connections for Different rhythms Alpha (9-11 Hz) Beta (12-30 Hz) Gamma (30-90 Hz) Palva JM et al. PNAS 2010 ©2010 by National Academy of Sciences
General Mathematical Framework: Hodgkin-Huxley Equations C dv/dt = - I ion + D 2 v - I synapse I ion = (g mj h) (v – ER) Conductance x Electromotive force m and h satisfy dx/dt = (x(v) – x)/ x Activation curves Synapses: excitatory or inhibitory
Pyramidal Interneuron Network Gamma (PING) Whittington et al., J. Physiol. 1997 Induced by tetanic stimulation (hippocampus in vitro) Associated with cell assemblies PING is coherent with heterogeneity, sparse coupling (Borgers, NK) E-cells are synchronized by I cells, I cells are synch’d by E-cells Period depends on decay time of inhibition = longest time scale
Persistent Gamma Rhythm Traub, Whittington, Borgers, Epstein, NK Can be induced in slices with acetylcholine (ACh) agonist and/or kainate ACh is associated with attention Lasts a long time E cells each fire infrequently Requires noise Population displays gamma rhythm More complex biophysical model involves axo-axonal gap junctions; Uses FRB cells (Traub, Whittington…). Persistent gamma is associated with background attentional state.
Gamma and Cell Assemblies Cell assemblies: Synchronous collections of neurons. The gamma rhythm (30-90 Hz) is associated with Sensory processing, attention, awareness “Binding” (life without a homunculus: Singer, Gray …) (Possible) Uses: Potentiating signals Plasticity (Hebb: “Cells that fire together wire together”)
What Makes Gamma Good for Cell Assemblies? Olufsen, Whittington, Camperi and NK 2003 Suppression is consequence of timing of excitation and inhibition Gamma formed from simple currents; no memory from cycle to cycle Other rhythms use currents that last longer than gamma cycle, create memory. Physiology matters
Gamma Filters for Coherent Input Borgers and Kopell, 2008 Reynolds, Desimone…: Attention comes from biased competition Attention is associated with more coherent input (Fries et al. Bichot et al.) More coherent inputs lock out the less coherent ones. E I Target network Coherence “protects” chosen stream of information.
Bias: Effects of Inhibition, Coherence and Salience Bias comes from effects of internal inhibition in E/I network. Larger distractor can affect outcome Distractor can be shut out by increasing I -E conductance Protection against distractors requires gamma frequency input.
Two Gamma Rhythms in Rodent Au1 Ainsworth, S. Lee, Cunningham, Roopun, Traub, NK, Whittington, 2011 Rhythms induced by bath-applied kainate Layer 4 rhythm: Is PING rhythm with E-E connections depending on NMDA Can be eliminated with NR2C/D blocker Layer 2/3 rhythm: Is noise-dependent gamma Can be eliminated with gap junction blockers
Layer 5 Output Switches With Higher Kainate Low gamma only Low and high gamma Layer 2/3 Layer 4 Layer 5 rmp ipsp A B C Layer 5 Output Switches With Higher Kainate E-cells Ainsworth et al. Model (S. Lee) L2/3 L4 L5 100 200 300 400 500 ms Spikes LFP L2/3 L4 L5 100 200 300 400 500 ms Spikes LFP 400 nM 800 nM Es Is L2/3 (s) Eg L4 (g) Ig Ei L5 (i) Ii 400 nM 800 nM No feedback from layer 5 Output follows : L2/3 at low kainate L4 at high kainate
In Vivo Implications (?) of Laminar Dynamics Strong input to Au1 may go directly from L4 to output. L4 activity actively impedes influence of signals from L2/3 to L5. Weak input is gated by superficial rhythm. Medium input is enhanced by locking of L4 with L2/3 Es Is L2/3 (s) Eg L4 (g) Ig Ei L5 (i) Ii Later: effects of top-down gamma
Cholinergic Modulation Changes Rhythms in Au1 Roopun, Traub, Whittington, Kramer, Barakat, J. Lee, Moore-Kochlac, NK Slice version of attention: Produces a new beta2 rhythm (25 Hz) in L5 Produced in Au1 using carbachol Cell types most implicated: L5 IB cells and LTS cells IB cells fire a few spikes per “burst”, cut off by LTS inhibition Frequency determined by: drive to LTS and IB cells, decay time of LTS-mediated inhibition. J. Lee
Beta Rhythms and Selective Attention Top-down attention is associated with beta ( Buschman and Miller 2007) Fries et al. (2001, 2008.) Model (J. Lee, M. Whittington, NK 2013) Top-down signals (at beta) go to deep layers of “attended” column only Input from thalamus goes to L4, both columns Excitation to inhibitory cells (deep to superficial) goes within and across cols.
Top-Down Beta 2 to Deep Layer Increases Firing Rates Top-Down Beta 2 to Deep Layer Increases Firing Rates and Gamma Power in Superficial Layers Control Attended Unattended L2/3 Within a column More RS-cell spiking in L4 More gamma Across columns Weaker RS activity in L 2/3 Stronger LTS activity in L2/3, more beta L4 L5
Rhythms and Cholinergic Modulation Question: how can cholinergic modulation be specific? Nicotinic activation depolarizes deep layer LTS cells; muscarinic activation hyperpolarizes deep FS cells. Both increase LTS activity. Increased activity of LTS cells potentiates effects of top-down signals, increasing attentional modulation of gamma and firing power in superficial layers. ACh makes networks more sensitive to top-down signals. Selective attention and diseases (ADHD, SZ) If there is pathology in cholinergic modulation, there is Reduction in LTS activity Deficits in selective attention.
Anesthesia: Dose-dependent Responses to Propofol Propofol increases the amplitude and decay time of GABAa mediated inhibition Brown, Purdon
Propofol and “Beta Buzz” Low doses of propofol produce potentiation of beta rhythm (12-30 hz) . Rampil IJ (Anesthesiology 1998) Not known: why does enhanced beta cause a “buzz”? Project: why does propofol enhance beta?
Potentiated Inhibition and M-current Interact to Produce a Beta Rhythm Propofol enables beta rhythm via antisynchrony of LTS cells McCarthy et al 2008 Model: e-cells with spiking currents, A-current LTS cells (i) with spiking currents and M-current Baseline: interaction of e and LTS cells. Potentiated inhibition: LTS cells fire by rebound, e cells suppressed
M-Current Interaction With Inhibition GABAa potentiation decreases M-conductance M-current reduction continues after GABAa has decayed back to baseline LTS model interneurons are quiescent if unperturbed may spike in response to either pyramidal cell or interneuron input *Low* dose propofol allows rebound spike during repolarization. . Time to rebound spike .
Large Network Dynamics Propofol enables the formation of antisynchronous clusters of beta frequency spiking interneurons Spectral power rises in the beta bands with low-dose propofol Power decreases in the lower frequency bands with low-dose prop. LTS FS e
Loss of Consciousness With Higher Dose of Propofol Propofol administered in 5 discrete levels Subjects are asked to respond to tones, words and names Ching et al. 2010 Cimenser et al. 2011 Feshchenko et al. 2004 Consolidation of power into alpha band as responses begin to cease Well defined alpha power at deepest levels of anesthesia Distinct in location from ‘occipital’ alpha oscillation Simultaneous strong slow oscillations (< 1Hz) Global coherence is mainly in alpha band.
Alpha and Thalamocortical Loop: Network Ching et al, PNAS 2010 Cortical populations: Pyramidal cells, FS/LTS interneurons Thalamic population: Thalamocortical relay cells, Reticular cells RE, TC cells: h-current, T-type calcium (rebound bursting) Propofol increases the decay time of inhibition throughout the full network. Questions: What produces the alpha rhythm? What produces the coherence (frontal)? Prior work: Alpha spindles: Destexhe & Sejnowski, “Thalamocortical Assemblies,” 2001
Investigate With Smaller Models Increasing GABA slows rhythmicity, sustains thalamic participation. Thalamic locking is specific to alpha frequency input from cortex. Locking requires hyperpolarization of TC cells RE cells can coordinate cortical modules
Simulation Results Model produces weak gamma baseline- dictated by timescale of inhibition Slowing of cortical rhythmicity as GABAa increases (conductance, decay time) Converges to alpha rhythm No coherence at baseline and small dose levels At 3x baseline, coherence is exhibited between the cortical populations c c
Implications/Remarks Many theories of mechanisms in general anesthesia point to a thalamocortical ‘off-switch’ (Alkire et. al., 2008) Our modeling suggests that the thalamus may be engaged in a pathological rhythm Pathological synchrony may impede the efficacy of thalamic excitation Thus: Loss of consciousness may come from too much coupling, not from decoupling.
Loss of Consciousness and Changes in Rhythms At loss of consciousness, there is large increase in alpha and delta power. relationship between alpha and delta signals depth of anesthesia Purdon et al 2013 ; Soplata et al
Beta in the Cortico-Basal Ganglia-Network Beta pathology in Parkinson’s disease: Increased beta oscillations in the cortex and basal ganglia correlate with motor symptoms of bradykinesia and rigidity. Predominating views on the source of beta in Parkinson’s disease: 1. STN-GPe network (STN-GPe pacemaker) -- (Plenz et al., 1999) .(Terman et al., 2002) -- Model beta rhythm depends on plastic changes in synaptic strength due to chronic loss of dopamine. 2. Cortex -- In rat M1 brain slices, high beta arises from the co-application of carbachol and kainate. (Yamawaki et al., 2008) -- Not clear why beta should be related to loss of dopamine.
A New Hypothesis: PD Beta Originates (partly) in the Striatum McCarthy et al PNAS, 2011 Note: striatum is (one of) first places to feel loss of dopamine from SNpc. Relationship between Dopamine and Acetylcholine in Striatum Dopamine tonically inhibits ACh release in the striatum. dopamine ACh The MSN M-current is reduced by ACh (M1 muscarinic receptors). Connection to propofol beta: depression of M-current (excitatory) acts like changing the time constant of inhibition to give rebound
Model of Parkinsonian Striatum Model of parkinsonian network: Only cells are “medium spiny neurons” M-current maximal conductance Biophysical model of MSN network (100 neurons). Top are raster plots of spiking in normal and parkinsonian networks. The raster plot shows obvious patterning of MSNs into a network beta rhythm in the parkinsonian state. Bottom figures are the respective spectrograms showing a waxing and waning beta in the LFP of the normal model striatum and a persistent (and higher power) beta in the model parkinsonian striatum. The beta peak in the power density plot becomes more prominent and at a higher beta frequency in the parkinsonian state. The striatum has many neuromodulators. Here we focus on dopamine and ach. On dopamine because that is what is lost in PD. On ACh because there has been a lot of work showing interactions between dopamine and ach and it’s the balance of ach and dopamine that is critical in regulating MSN activity. In fact, up until the1960’s the only pharmacologic therapy for Parkinson’s disease was anticholinergics. Model predictions: Increasing cholinergic (muscarinic) tone in striatum will elicit beta oscillations. Model predicts that patterned spiking of MSNs into a beta rhythm (on a population level) is responsible for this increase in beta power. This is important if the beta rhythm is to be propagated outside of striatum since MSNs are the only output neuron of the striatum. 3. It is a prediction of our model that it is not just ACh that matters, it is muscarinic receptor activation. Model needs sufficient excitatory input from cortex to produce beta (not necessarily beta input). Lack of sufficient input from cortex will decrease beta in striatum. Details about this are in the paper. Note (in case someone asks): The model results are largely invariant to network connectivity, network size, and heterogeneity (by giving different MSNs different max GABAat conductance). 32
Experimental Confirmation: Carbachol increases beta oscillations in mouse striatum Striatal LFP prior to carbachol infusion McCarthy et al, PNAS, 2011 Striatal LFP after carbachol (0.5 - 1 mM) infusion
Behavioral Correlates of Increased Cholinergic Tone. Stimulation of striatal cholinergic interneurons decreases movement in normal mice Kondabolu 2016 bradykinesia akinesia
Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) to the Subthalamic Nucleus Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) to the Subthalamic Nucleus (STN) and Parkinsonian Motor Symptoms DBS mechanism of action is unknown. What we know: Fast therapeutic effect Frequency dependent Decreased beta (measured after stop of DBS) correlates with improvement of motor symptoms => some of the efficacy of high frequency DBS may lie in its ability to reduce elevated beta oscillations. DBS
Modeling the effect of DBS through the indirect pathway Model of DBS Normalizes Striatum normal Modeling the effect of DBS through the indirect pathway parkinsonian parkinsonian, With 130 Hz DBS Normalization is result of inhibition from GPE.
Cellular, Molecular and Circuit Level Changes Cellular, Molecular and Circuit Level Changes Alter Rhythms in Schizophrenia Kinds of pathologies in SZ: genetic changes (risk genes) GABA alterations NMDA hypofunction dopaminergic dysregulation
Brain Rhythms and Normal Function Rhythms aid in local processing Gamma helps create and protect cell assemblies Two frequencies of gamma in A1 helps produce routing of signals. Global coordination builds on local dynamics Top down attention (beta) leads to increased gamma and activity in superficial layers Dysregulation of nicotine changes ability of target network to react to attentional signals.
**Big Picture** Working hypotheses: Cognition (and its dysfunction) emerge from dynamic coordination (and its dysfunction) Alteration in rhythms are common pathways for etiology of disease Big question: Under what conditions can alterations in oscillations restore diseased state to normal? .