Ms. Harshbarger Health
How to contact me? Email
Beavercreek Web Page
ELECTRONICS May use freely when have free time or before bell rings. Be respectful of your peers/teacher. If listening make sure you are the only one who can hear your device. Devices need to be put away (off desk) unless we are using them in class. I will announce when they are needed for class. Not following expectations will result in discipline.
Grading Point system Semester exam (20%) Tests Class work Homework Projects Participation
Discipline Policy Tardiness/Behavior: First Offense: Warning Second Offense: Detention Third Offense: Detention and Parent Call Fourth Offense: 2 Days of Detention Fifth Offense: Office Referral
Expectations Respect Yourself and others Be on time to class Be prepared Positive participation Be Responsible Follow directions
Material covered in Class Mental and Emotional health Alcohol, Tobacco and Substance abuse Nutrition and Eating Disorders Growth and Development
Want an A? Health book is online Folders for papers Turn in all assignments when absent Take notes in class Follow directions Do all assignments
Health is about choices I hope you will make informed choices after you have completed my class!
Thank You for Coming Tonight!