Newark High School Auditorium Social Story What happens when you go to the Auditorium
I am going to a special live performance at the Newark High School Auditorium.
We will have to walk through the front lobby to get to the auditorium.
Everyone needs to hand their ticket to an usher Everyone needs to hand their ticket to an usher. Sometimes I may have to be patient and wait in line.
I will enter the auditorium. Sometimes it can be crowded I will enter the auditorium. Sometimes it can be crowded. I may walk around other people, and other people may walk around me to get to their seats. People might accidently bump into me as they walk by me.
During this visit I can walk around the auditorium to find my perfect seat.
Lights will dim to help me know when the show is about to start.
During the show, I will sit with my family During the show, I will sit with my family. There may be people I don’t know sitting near me.
Before the show starts, someone will come on stage and make an announcement.
At the beginning of the show the lights will dim.
There may be things that make me nervous like noises and lights There may be things that make me nervous like noises and lights. If I get nervous, I can cover my eyes or ears, wear headphones, hold my parents hand, or play with my fidget.
If I see something I like, I can clap my hands or laugh If I see something I like, I can clap my hands or laugh. Others sitting close to me might clap or laugh too. If the clapping is to loud I can cover my ears or put on headphones.
If I don’t want to be in the auditorium anymore, I can walk out of the auditorium to the quiet area.
If I have to use the restroom, I can find them down the left hallway outside of the auditorium doors.
I know the show is over when the actors bow I know the show is over when the actors bow. Everyone will clap and cheer.
When the show is over, the lights will turn on all the way and everyone will leave the auditorium. The aisles may be crowded as everyone exits. I will wait my turn to use the aisle and exit through the doors.
I will stay with my family, and I will be okay.