Welcome to our Home Learning Workshop for Y1 – Y6 parents
ALL DATES PUBLISHED IN THE SCHOOL CALENDAR! Parent Workshops for 2017-2018 Thursday 21st September HOME LEARNING Thursday 9th November MATHS Thursday 25th January ONLINE SAFETY Thursday 22nd February MATHS Thursday 19th April BEHAVIOUR FOR LEARNING Thursday 28th June TRANSITION ALL DATES PUBLISHED IN THE SCHOOL CALENDAR!
Plan for this workshop Presentation: Home Learning Policy Followed by: Workshop about strategies you can use to support your child’s home learning with class teacher in classroom Your input about content for our next workshop about MATHS
What will you receive this evening? Home Learning Policy Your child’s Home Learning pack containing home learning book, pencil, strategies and information for parents
Home Learning Policy Why? clear guidelines so that teachers, parents and children are aware of the expectations of Home Learning and work in partnership to achieve these work together to raise standards in attainment develop good learning and working habits for secondary school and future employment
Home Learning….. is a supported or independent task followed up by adult and child discussion which is undertaken at home and reinforces, extends or enriches current learning and strengthens basic skills helps parents and carers to be clear of where their child is in terms of their learning and understand the expectations at school ensures parents and carers know both what their children are learning and how they can support this learning at home provides opportunities for parents and children to share and enjoy learning together focuses on developing and consolidating basic skills in reading, writing and maths encourages children to take responsibility for their own learning and develop the skills of resilience, independence and perseverance
How does it work? Each child will be provided with: a pencil Home Learning book reading record zip wallet Parents will be provided with the following information in the front of their child’s Home Learning book No Nonsense Spelling strategies GPS terminology Strategies to help children practise mental maths skills In addition parents will be given a separate leaflet with reading prompts
How does it work? Sent home every Thursday Returned every Tuesday Recommended daily guidelines: Class 1 – 10 minutes Class 2 – 15 minutes Class 3 – 20 minutes Class 4 – 20/30 minutes Class 5 – 30 minutes
5. Cross-curricular task related to theme How does it work? Consists of five parts Weekly: Reading Phonics/spelling Grammar & punctuation Maths Half-termly 5. Cross-curricular task related to theme
How does it work? Teachers ensure: Home Learning is consistently set across each year group as appropriate for the attainment of each group of children parents are provided with an explanation when necessary and give guidance on how parents might assist their child. This can be achieved through a written explanation, at a parent workshop or during a parent meeting there is regular home learning in an easily followed routine they mark or assess home learning as detailed in this policy all children are involved in Home Learning and liaise sensitively with parents or carers as and when necessary if this is not taking place completion of Home Learning activities is celebrated and praise children for their efforts using the team point system
How does it work? Parents can best support their child by: providing a suitable time and place for their child to complete their Home Learning their active involvement with supporting and questioning their child about Home Learning activities appropriate praise at home when their child is completing tasks liaising with the class teacher when they have concerns or require additional advice so that their child can successfully complete Home Learning activities
How does it work? Children: are responsible for bringing home and returning their Home Learning to school talk about their learning with parents or carers complete their Home Learning at a suitable time and place become more independent and responsible for carrying out activities as they move through school Headteacher and Governing Body: check compliance with this policy liaise with parents and children to ascertain whether the policy is appropriate and effective discuss, review and monitor the effectiveness of the policy and its impact on learning
Communicate with your child’s class teacher What next? Give it a go! Communicate with your child’s class teacher Get involved in reviewing how it’s working when we ask children, parents and staff for feedback in November
Workshop session with class teacher
Your input Our next Parent Workshop will be on Thursday 9th November – this will focus on MATHS What would be useful to you as a parent to know about MATHS? Tell us on your feedback sheet We will use your feedback to inform the focus for the MATHS WORKSHOP
Parent Teacher meetings This year’s Parent Teacher meetings will take place at the start of the spring term in January and the start of the summer term in April January Parent Teacher meetings will focus on your child’s achievements/learning by the end of the autumn term April Parent Teacher meetings will focus on your child’s achievements by the end of the spring term Parents are welcome to meet teachers during term time. Teachers are available after school every day except Thursday or before 8.45a.m. in the morning. The quickest way to arrange an appointment is through Mrs. Robinson Parent Teacher meetings Thursday 11th January & Thursday 12th April
A huge THANK YOU for attending!