Meet the Teachers! Thursday 8th September 2016 A caring Christian, community, where we love, learn and aim for excellence. Thursday 8th September 2016
Routine Please be punctual, playground gates open at 8:40 am. An adult will be on duty until the whistle blows at 8:50 am. Remember children are not allowed to: use the tyre park; ride scooters or bikes on the playground; play ball games. This is due to younger children being present. We do not want anyone to get hurt.
Communication No emails (except to Head / Office or SENCo) Teacher ‘Open Door Time’ Ms O’Sullivan (Tuesdays) / Mr Bird (Thursdays) Blue and Yellow Slips Playground
School uniform –EVERYTHING named School uniform –EVERYTHING named. This helps to make children independent when changing for P.E. Named water bottle (regardless of season), PE kit, Reading Journals and reading books to be brought to school each day. Pencil Case containing: pencil, ruler, rubber, protractor & a blue handwriting pen (if they have a handwriting licence). Library books are changed on Fridays.
Our Autumn term topic is
Homework Rewards & Sanctions Lost Property Reading Reading Journals Spellings Maths – Set Tasks / MyMaths & Tests Other Rewards & Sanctions Lost Property
Class Charters
Residential Preparation Equipment Lists