17th January 2017 17th Ionawr 2017 WREXHAM WRECSAM For your convenience, these screen shots will appear on the Wrexham U3A website until 21st February 2017
ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING TUESDAY 21 MARCH 2017 2pm William Aston Hall Nomination forms for committee members and possible resolutions to The Secretary by Wednesday 22 February
Our Speaker Today Tracy Livingstone NURSING
Future presentations 21 February QE 2 Hotel Manager Penny Brett-Roberts 21 March Amsterdam – The Friendly City Peter Mathot
The next Group Leaders Meeting is: A REMINDER: The next Group Leaders Meeting is: Tuesday 14th February at the Memorial Club by Tesco At 9:30am As the Handbook for 2017 will soon be going to press please let Pam Dean or Edgar Lewis know of any alterations that may be needed. Thank you
VISITS AND EVENTS 26th March 2017 Loch Tummel Hotel 6 days d/b/b 5th May 2017 Speke Hall 10th June 2017 Blenheim Palace Remember you must pay for the trip at time of booking Margaret Hadwin-Smith : hadwin541@btinternet.com 01978 310253
KNIT AND NATTER THE NEXT MEETING IS ON JANUARY 24th Diane Hearn the leader of Back of the Cupboard and Card- Making groups will be attending and she will help all those who wish to learn to crochet. Please bring hook and wool.
New Group News For those who have signed up for the BUS PASS GROUP and THE NEW SUNDAY LUNCH GROUP there will be an initial meeting at The Cunliffe Arms on THURSDAY JANUARY 26th 2017 at 12 noon STROLLERS ( even shorter walks than the short walks ) I.T GROUP A THRILLER READING GROUP CHOIR SCRABBLE 3 BUS PASS PLEASE SIGN THE SHEETS WITH PAM IF INTERESTED IN A GROUP
FAMILY HISTORY Topics for 2017 January 27th : Personal Research please bring your own laptop. February 24th : Researching Military Ancestors please bring relevant documents. March 31st : Passenger Lists. April 28th : Personal Research
NEW ART GROUP A new art group is to be formed. Pauline Jones has found a tutor. Pam has names from the previous art group. If you are interested in joining can you let her know at today’s meeting.
New I.T Group A new IT group has been formed under the leadership of Brian Parry-Jones. It will be generally tailored to Microsoft Windows but will touch on Apple Mac and iMac too. For more information contact Brian or Pam Dean.
2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month Dance studio at Glyndwr Sports Centre DANCE EXERCISE GROUP 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month Dance studio at Glyndwr Sports Centre Nominal charge. Members participate at their own risk Leaders : Barbara Thorpe and Wendy Jones
Group News Welsh for Beginners Meets at ‘Saith Seren’ (1.30-3.30 pm) Every Wednesday Contacts: Bob Edwards or Derek McCarthy 01978 752621
CANASTA Leader : Claire Bellis Contact 01978 265684/claire.bellis@yahoo.co.uk Venue: The Cunliffe Arms 1st Tuesday and 3rd Thursday of the month. Time 7pm
ACHTUNG, BITTE The German Group Has vacancies. Some prior knowledge of the language would be beneficial. Contact Elizabeth Pettit on 01978854519
Contact the Editorial Team via their email: Newsletter A PLEA TO GROUP LEADERS Articles of 75-125 words ( with or without photos ) are being sought from the Study Groups. All members of the U3A should be kept informed about the quality work being undertaken in the Study Groups , so please let us know what you do. Contact the Editorial Team via their email: edjan2@btinternet.com
Newsletter Editor We are delighted to announce that the new Newsletter Editor will be Anne Wales. She will be working along side Edgar for a while. A huge thank you to Edgar for his work on producing our excellent Newsletter.
To the organisers of the CHRISTMAS LUNCH THANK YOU To the organisers of the CHRISTMAS LUNCH
ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING TUESDAY 21st March 2017 @ 2pm William Aston Hall Nomination for committee forms and possible resolutions to The Secretary by 22nd February Documentation will be posted to all members