Electronic Reporting and advanced River Information Services Andreas Scherb Pittsburgh, 19th September 2017 Session A2 | River Information Services
RIS Timeline IRIS Europe I CoRISMa IRIS Europe II AEOLIX RISING 01/2006 12/2008 01/2013 12/2015 IRIS Europe I CoRISMa 01/2009 12/2011 09/2016 08/2019 IRIS Europe II AEOLIX 02/2009 04/2012 01/2017 12/2020 RISING RIS COMEX 01/2012 12/2014 IRIS Europe III
River Information Services EU RIS Framework Directive 2005/44/EC Cross-border communication Position information Transport information EUROPE The introduction of River Information Services was a major development in Inland Waterway Transport. Based on the EU RIS Framework Directive 2005/44/EC of the European Union on harmonized river information services (RIS) on inland waterways, cross-border communication exchanging position and transport information using Automatic Identification System and the system for Electronic Reporting of voyages, cargo and persons on board has been established by providing a data exchange platform per country. An all-in-one solution, facilitating basic functionality for the national and international RIS data exchange.
RIS Corridor Management Execution ≙ Project RIS COMEX Decentralized System Centralized System Page 5
Architecture for European Logistics Information Exchange ≙ Project AEOLIX Update voyage data Naval Authority DoRIS RoRIS Send voyage notification RIS data exchange [ship position, voyage data] Send voyage notification RIS data Ship Agent A Ship Agent B Automatically sends AIS data (position, speed) Automatically sends AIS data (position, speed) Ship A Ship B Receives new transport request Receives new transport request Updates vessel availability Updates vessel availability Searches for a vessel to transport goods Searches for a new transport opportunity with a interested cargo user Receives updated ETA for a transport Receives updated ETA for a transport River Logistics Operator Vessel Operator
Electronic Reporting Messages ≙ primarily used by waterway and RIS authorities ERINOT Electronic reporting of voyage and cargo details BERMAN Notification of vessel arriving at or departing from a berth or a port ERIRSP Proof of receipt of the reporting message Page 7
Cutting edge technology Back To The Future Cutting edge technology Late 1980s: View of the Future by AT&T Inc. and Back to the Future October 26, 1985: Marty McFly travels back to the future Prediction accuracy Like already mentioned before, we are currently using electronic reporting but that wasn’t always the case. AT&T Inc. (American Telephone and Telegraph Company) was promising that in the future you could send a fax from the beach. In the movie Back to the Future Part II, Marty McFly travels into the future or to be more exact, 21st of October, 2015. His homes is filled with several fax machines. There’s at least one in the kitchen, two in the living room and one in the bathroom. Fax machines seemed like cutting edge technology in the future.
FAX Until July 2015: Legally compliant FAX form E-mail soon made faxing obsolete. Nowadays, you’ll still find fax machines in many offices, but they’re rarely used. On 1st of July, 2015 – before Marty McFly travels back into the future – viadonau decided to replace the legally compliant FAX form by the possibility to publish electronic reports by electrornic means. To sum it all up, they all really got it wrong with the prediction that FAX is the new cutting edge technology, email soon made faxing obsolete.
Electronic Reporting Operation Waterway Traffic Regulation §8.02, Abs. 1 01.07.2015 – 31.08.2017 On behalf of the Supreme Navigation Authority (OSB) of BMVIT, viadonau operates a portal to manage transport reports by electronic means within the scope of its duties for the operation of River Information Services and therefore offers an attractive opportunity to current practice of reporting by means of fax or email. Time saving Accident event (Forwarding of data) Avoidance of duplicate reporting (Cross-border notification) Cost saving 2030 electronic transport reports Time saving Avoidance of duplicate reporting Accident event Paper costs Printing costs
Electronic Reporting Procedure Page 11
Electronic Reporting Messages ≙ primarily used by competent authorities and private parties ERIVOY Electronic reporting of voyage plan ERIMAN Electronic reporting of cargo carried incl. necessary permits for the carriage of specific cargo (manifest) PAXLST Electronic reporting of passenger list respectively crew list Page 12
Advanced River Information Services A possible ICT concept of Advanced River Information Services that takes into account the ETA and RTA notification process. In order to setup an efficient lock and bridge planning in addition to efficient cargo handling in the port or terminal, the waterway authority and port/terminal operator needs information about the voyages which will be carried out. Either the Skipper or the Vessel Operator will send an electronic announcement of the expected voyage. When the voyage actually starts the earlier pre-announced voyage will be reconfirmed or an updated announcement of the voyage will be sent. An ETA will be provided to the waterway authorities and port/terminal operator involved in the voyage. The Skipper/Vessel Operator receives a RTA, a time slot which is reserved for him, on the hand for a lock or for a port/terminal, e.g. destination and discharge place. The Skipper/Vessel Operator agrees with the schedule and the proposed ETA. Corrections to the RTA may be appropriate. If this is the case, the Skipper/Vessel Operator may decide to slow down (and to save fuel) knowing he has a granted reservation for a given lock or terminal/port handling process. In fact, this Advanced River Information Services allows the waterway authorities and Port/Terminal Operator to optimize lock operations and more efficient cargo handling within the port/terminal. Page 13
Electronic Reporting Messages CONCLUSION Advanced RIS ERIVOY Purpose: Provide voyage plan information to logistics and authorities (pre-voyage information) Content: Electronic reporting of voyage plan Receiver: Waterway authorities, commercial parties Benefit: Enable Advanced River Information Services ERINOT Purpose: Fulfill voyage and cargo reporting requirements (on-voyage information) Content: Electronic reporting of voyage and cargo details Benefit: Reduce administrative burdens One ERIVOY message can be connected to several ERINOT messages ERIVOY: e.g. a planned voyage from A to D ERINOT: voyage and cargo report from A to B, from B to C, from C to D Page 14
Thank you for your attention! Contact Andreas Scherb, MSc Junior Project Manager Development Traffic Management T +43 50 4321-1631 andreas.scherb@viadonau.org Donau-City-Straße 1, 1220 Vienna Page 15