Conversations in leadership Oracy skills necessary in an English Speaking CONTEXT Workshop run by: Amina Douidi, BSc, BA, MA. UNIVErSITY OF SOUTHAMPTON CONTACT@INTERCULTURALLY.UK
Course outline Introduction to Oracy Skills (2h) Introductions to the Language of Leadership (2h) Conversations in Leadership –Listening and Reading (2h) 4. Conversations in Leadership –Listening and Speaking (2h) 5. Personalized Coaching (2h)
Introduction to oracy skills What are Oracy Skills? Introduction and definitions Video Examples and discussion Group work: Pick a theme and prepare a short speech Group presentations Discussion Types of Speech and overview of session (2) 15 min 30 min
the Language of Leadership What are the English-language patterns used in leadership discourse? Language Clouds Video Examples and discussion. Common expressions used in leadership, dialogues and interactions. Group activity: seeking, receiving and giving feedback Individual activity to do independently and overview of session (3) 15 min 30 min
Conversations in leadership listening and reading Scenarios of conversations in international leadership settings: Introducing yourself: informal/formal settings Video Examples: Active listening Reading and analysing text Discussion and activities to prepare for session (4) 30 min
Conversations in leadership listening and speaking Language practice in presentation and interaction: Presentation of prepared work Pitching and story telling: videos and discussions Group discussion and feedback (theme 1) Group discussion and feedback (theme 2) 30 min