Multiplication Lesson 1.


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Presentation transcript:

Multiplication Lesson 1

Bingo Draw the grid on your whiteboards and write in 6 multiples of 100 between 0 and 1200. Miss will call out questions and cross off the answers you have written. The winner is the first person with all their numbers crossed out. 400 1000 800 500 300

L.O.: To double and halve 3-digit numbers by partitioning I can partition a number. I can double and half even 3-digit numbers. I can double and halve odd and even 3-digit numbers.

L.O.: To double and halve 3-digit numbers by partitioning This means to add the same number on again to make it twice as big. Halve This means to split the number into two equal groups. Doubling is the inverse of halving

When you are doubling or halving a number, you need to partition… L.O.: To double and halve 3-digit numbers by partitioning When you are doubling or halving a number, you need to partition… By partitioning a number we can use doubles or halves of smaller numbers and then add these together to find the answer.

Partitioning means splitting your digits up, into their place values. L.O.: To double and halve 3-digit numbers by partitioning Partitioning means splitting your digits up, into their place values. So… 482 becomes 400 80 2

Now that we have partitioned, we can focus on doubling or halving… L.O.: To double and halve 3-digit numbers by partitioning Now that we have partitioned, we can focus on doubling or halving… 400 80 2 800 160 4 800 160 + 4 964

L.O.: To double and halve 3-digit numbers by partitioning Try doubling 47 Partition it first!

L.O.: To double and halve 3-digit numbers by partitioning If you partition it into tens and units ( 40 + 7) Double 40 is = 40x 2 = 80 Double 7 is = 7 x 2 = 14 Add these together  80 +14 94

Partitioning and halving L.O.: To double and halve 3-digit numbers by partitioning Partitioning and halving Now lets try it using halving Partition 58

L.O.: To double and halve 3-digit numbers by partitioning Partition 58 into tens and units (50 + 8) Half of 50 = 25 ( ½ or divide by 2) Half of 8 = 4 Add these together  25 + 4 29

L.O.: To double and halve 3-digit numbers by partitioning Not everything that we half or double will be even- that makes it trickier… 325 300 20 5 How do we split the 5? 4 halved is 2 1 halved is half 2 add half is 2 ½

L.O.: To double and halve 3-digit numbers by partitioning If the number you are halving is an even number it will always halve exactly. Whereas if the number is an odd number the answer will always have the fraction of a half in it ( e.g. half of 13 = 6 ½ ) The easiest way to halve odd numbers is to half the even number just before it and then add on a half to that number (e.g. 13  half of 12 is 6 + ½ = 6 ½ )

Select a number from below and double or half it L.O.: To double and halve 3-digit numbers by partitioning Select a number from below and double or half it 16 65 24 57 34 93 43 How did you get your answer ?

L.O.: To double and halve 3-digit numbers by partitioning Double and half the numbers given to you on your worksheet.

L.O.: To double and halve 3-digit numbers by partitioning Maths Races Choose 2 children to come up to the whiteboard. Miss will call out a number and you will have to race to double or half it.

Lesson 2 Place Value

L.O.: To multiply 3-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers. FIZZBUZZ: Stand up and take turns saying the next number from 1 to 100. But, if the number is a multiple of 10, say "Fizz" if it is a multiple of 2, say "Buzz", and if it is a multiple of both 10 and 2, say "Fizzbuzz"

L.O.: To multiply 3-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers. I can partition numbers. I can multiply two digit numbers by one digit numbers. I can use the grid method to multiply.

L.O.: To multiply 3-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers. 14 x 5 How do we go about working out this sum? How good is your 14 times table? There is an easy way...

L.O.: To multiply 3-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers. Step 1: 14 x 5 Split each double digit number into TENS and UNITS Tens Units 14 = 10 + 4

Place these at the top of your Grid L.O.: To multiply 3-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers. Place these at the top of your Grid x 10 4 5 Place the number you are multiplying by down the side

L.O.: To multiply 3-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers. Step 2: x 10 4 5 50 20 Multiply each number in the row by each number in a column: 5 x 10 5 x 4

Step 3: x 10 4 5 50 20 Add the two numbers together: 50 + 20 70

L.O.: To multiply 3-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers. Therefore: 14 x 5 = 70

L.O.: To multiply 3-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers. Now, let’s work out 158 x 2 Where do we start?

316 2 158 x 2 = x 100 50 8 200 16 Step 1: Partition the number Step 2: Multiply each number in the row by each number in a column Step 3: Add the two numbers together

L.O.: To multiply 3-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers. 1, 2, 3 L.O.: To multiply 3-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers. Step 1: Partition the number Step 2: Multiply each number in the row by each number in a column Step 3: Add the two numbers together

Task L.O.: To multiply 3-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers. Use grids to multiply the numbers on your worksheet. e.g. 14 X 5 = TB3 PG 26 TB3 PG 27

Lesson 3 Multiplication

Bingo Draw the grid on your whiteboards and write in 6 multiples of 100 or10. Miss will call out questions and cross off the answers you have written. The winner is the first person with all their numbers crossed out. 400 10 800 50 300

I can partition numbers. I can write multiplication problems vertically. I can multiply using the ladder method.

Column Method multiplication Multiplication video What steps do we follow for ladder multiplication?

L.O.: To multiply using a written vertical method. 165 x 3 = 165 x3 300 180 + 15 495 Write the numbers in the columns. Multiply each number separately Add them up.

L.O.: To multiply using a written vertical method. Try these on your whiteboards using ladder multiplication. 26 x 5 138 x 3 256 x 2

L.O.: To multiply 3-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers. Task L.O.: To multiply 3-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers. Worksheet TB2 PG 18 TB2 PG 19 AND 20

Lesson 4 Investigation

Times tables Test

Select a number from below and double or half it L.O.: To double and halve 3-digit numbers by partitioning Select a number from below and double or half it 16 65 24 57 34 93 43 How did you get your answer ?

Task Practise some multiplication triangles together on the website. Can you make your own?