Training course on biodiversity data publishing and fitness-for-use in the GBIF Network, 2011 edition How Darwin Core Archives have changed the landscape.


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Presentation transcript:

Training course on biodiversity data publishing and fitness-for-use in the GBIF Network, 2011 edition How Darwin Core Archives have changed the landscape of biodiversity data publishing Presenter (email) Role Organization Buenos Aires (Argentina) 28 September 2011

Background: Data Exchange ABCD (TDWG Standard) > 1200 concepts XML Shared via BioCase, Tapir Darwin Core (pre-standard v. 1.2, 47 versions) 48 concepts, specimens Shared via by DiGIR Darwin Core (pre-standard v. 1.4) 46 concepts (plus extensions), specimens Shared via Tapir Darwin Core (TDWG Standard) 172 concepts (156 in Simple Darwin Core), biodiversity data CSV, XML, RDF, JSON, … Shared via Text files, Tapir, Darwin Core Archive… - Reminder about the existing standards

Darwin Core Archive Primary Biodiversity Data Taxonomic Data Metadata

Darwin Core Archive Complete Package Standard Darwin Core terms in a single, self-contained dataset Taxon records or Occurrence Records Data set metadata in EML C'est le schméExplain the 3 components of an archive: Core data file + optionnal extensions files Metafile Descriptor file

publishing data in the GBIF network Darwin Core Archive: Benefits Simple format (text files) Efficient harvesting (single file) Efficient storage (compressed) Easy access (no special software required) Extensible (related files in one archive) Simpler data transfer:  what takes 500MB of data transfer in Tapir takes 3MB data transfer in DwC-A.  Extensible format: more flexible way to map data Preferred format for publishing data in the GBIF network

Archives always have a metadata file as EML Darwin Core Archive: Anatomy Archives always have a metadata file as EML C'est le schméExplain the 3 components of an archive: Core data file + optionnal extensions files Metafile Descriptor file

Ecological Metadata Language (EML) For describing data sets – even unpublished ones Title and Abstract Citation and Attribution Contact and Authors Geographic Scope Sampling Methods Bibliography and more…

Archives always have a core data file as text Darwin Core Archive: Anatomy Archives always have a core data file as text C'est le schméExplain the 3 components of an archive: Core data file + optionnal extensions files Metafile Descriptor file

Records based on species occurrences – one per row Core data file types Records based on taxa – one species per row OR Records based on species occurrences – one per row

Archives always have a core data file as text Darwin Core Archive: Anatomy Archives always have a core data file as text C'est le schméExplain the 3 components of an archive: Core data file + optionnal extensions files Metafile Descriptor file

Core contains a “core ID” column, unique for every record in the file Darwin Core Archive: Anatomy Core contains a “core ID” column, unique for every record in the file

Columns are matched to Darwin Core terms Darwin Core Archive: Anatomy Columns are matched to Darwin Core terms

“Wingspan” is not a Darwin Core term Darwin Core Archive: Anatomy Columns that do not match to a Darwin Core term may be included, but are ignored “Wingspan” is not a Darwin Core term

1) Rename columns in text file Darwin Core Archive: Anatomy Two ways to match columns to Darwin Core terms 1) Rename columns in text file

2) Match columns to terms in a separate meta.xml file Darwin Core Archive: Anatomy Two ways to match columns to Darwin Core terms 2) Match columns to terms in a separate meta.xml file

Darwin Core Archive: Anatomy meta.xml matches the columns in the core data file (species.txt) More on how to make the meta.xml file later…

Archives can include extension files Darwin Core Archive: Anatomy Archives can include extension files Species.txt Extensions link to the core through the core ID Common_names.txt Extensions allow multiple records to be linked to a core record.

GBIF hosts extension definitions

Multiple extensions files can be linked to the core Darwin Core Archive: Anatomy Multiple extensions files can be linked to the core

Darwin Core Archive: Anatomy All files are stored in a single folder

Darwin Core Archive: Anatomy The folder is zipped. Data files Column matching file Data set documentation This is a Darwin Core Archive

Darwin Core Archive: Publishing / Archives on a web server can be accessed by a URL. Share this URL to “publish” your data!

Darwin Core Archive: Publishing Options

GBIF Spreadsheet Templates

Integrated Publishing Toolkit

Data Hosting Centers

Darwin Core Mapping Assistant Metafile

Darwin Core Mapping Assistant

Darwin Core Archive: Publishing Options GBIF Darwin Core Archive Spreadsheet Templates: data in a spreadsheet already simple archive authoring IPT: creating/managing archives for multiple data sets managing archives for multiple organisations metadata as GBIF Metadata Profile of EML Make Your Own: automating archive generation customisation Hosting center: economy of scale Infrastructure and support Combinations… Explain the 3 components of an archive: Core data file + optionnal extensions files Metafile Descriptor file

Training course on biodiversity data publishing and fitness-for-use in the GBIF Network, 2011 edition How Darwin Core Archives have changed the landscape of biodiversity data publishing Presenter (email) Role Organization Buenos Aires (Argentina) 28 September 2011