The RSP Archive System RSP Archive Concept Review 28 September 2017 Tanya Lim Archive Scientist
The ExoMars RSP Ground Segment
The ExoMars RSP Ground Segment
The ExoMars RSP Ground Segment
System Overview Concept: Identical data in ESAC and Moscow Moscow has responsibility for the Surface Platform, ESAC for the Rover The archiving authority is ESAC PSA standards will be followed Conceptually a single DAWG led by ESAC but at least for next year or two these will be probably held as separate meetings
System Overview Status: Moscow will lead the IKI to ESAC ICD, work on this has started recently The first Rover DAWG is needed soon… next SWT…. when? First Surface Platform DAWG, likely in Moscow – next year?
How IKI and ESAC work together Bilateral Meetings Last face to face meeting June 2017, focused on EM16 Monthly Webex progress meetings Confluence is used extensively for EM16, Agreed in principle for RSP Main Documentation: EMRSP Archive Plan (Rover and Surface Platform) PSA PDS4 Archiving Guide available to all data providers IKI to ESAC ICD – contents TBA
Open Issues Primary Issues: How do we synchronise the archives? How do we synchronise proprietary status of the data? Secondary Issues: Can we adopt common versioning policies? How do we ensure common approaches are made for data contents and structure? How ESAC ensures that the PSA standards are followed? Documentation Plan for Surface Platform
The ExoMars Rover Ground Segment
The Rover Operations Control Centre Where: Located in Turin – Italy Who: ALTEC in charge with subco GMV-Spain & Trasys-Belgium What: The ROCC is in charge of the ROVER control and science operations during all the phases of the RSP Mission. Rover science operations are conducted daily based on the data retrieved from the previous day. Interfaces: ERCO/MOC at ESOC to send and receive Rover data via the TGO ESAC for data archiving
ROCC Organisation Overall
Rover Data Archival – what happens at ROCC? Within ROCC: Processing of Rover and Instrument Data to appropriate level for planning purposes (Primary Products) Storage of data and reports in ROCC archive system (DAR) Delivery of data to PI institutes, and ingestion of refined primary or higher level products, generated at ROCC or PI institutes (Secondary Products) Selection of data for archiving by PIs Production/update of bundles to be delivered to PSA Data validation
Rover Responsibilities The ROCC, is responsible for: Mission data product transfer to ESAC for long term archiving and dissemination in the PDS4 standard format as specified in the ROCC to ESAC ICD. Supporting the Pasteur Payload (PI) teams in the distribution of Rover mission data products to ESAC.
Rover Responsibilities ESA-ESAC is responsible for: Implementation and management of the long-term archive of the ExoMars RSP Mission data Provision of tools for the data dissemination once the proprietary period has expired Provision of support to ROCC for the definition of the archive structure and data products in order to comply PSA’s usability criteria and conventions Coordinate data products peer-review process Review and approve the ROCC to ESAC ICD
Rover Responsibilities Each Instrument team will nominate at least two members per operations cycle as payload representatives of the Science Data Management Team (SDMT). SDMT members are responsible for: Reviewing the data products ensuring their intrinsic completeness (in terms of data and metadata) and compliance with the versioning policy Selecting the products to be archived and provide a justification for those that are not selected Complete the instruments bundles with additional information (e.g. modification history) and products (e.g. documentation) Ensure the consistency of the instruments bundles and their compliance with the ROCC to PPL ICDs, PSA and the ExoMars RSP Archiving Guides Reviewing the final bundles included in the delivery package in order to ensure the compliance with the ROCC to ESAC ICD. Mission bundle maintenance responsibilities TBD
How ROCC and ESAC work together Meetings Bilateral Meetings Two (Feb and July) since Tanya started in Jan 2017 ESAC attendance at ROCC-PI ICD meetings Status Meetings with Project (most recent 21/09/2017) Use of Confluence to detail bundle structures and exchange information ROCC-ESAC ICD: First version already reviewed and commented by ESAC Includes details not in other documents such as the contents of the mission bundle
Current Challenges More interaction on data design with PIs is needed (details next talk) but ROCC can only interact with TAS-I who interact with ESA who interact with PIs Tanya can interact directly and help with this interface A DAWG is needed…. ROCC does not need to care about secondary products The products are generated in, or delivered to, ROCC and then from ROCC to ESAC ESAC need to interact with PIs on the definition of these products. A three way interface is prone to one party left in the dark or information being passed on incorrectly This requires vigilance, shared systems such as Confluence help
Rover Archive Near-Future Plans ROCS CDR October 2017 (ROCC) Complete ROCC to Payload ICD meetings and ICD updates (ROCC) Issue in the spring Organise the first Rover DAWG (Tanya) At next SWT… when? Organise a series of visits to PI teams (Tanya) PanCam (MSSL) is already organised for November 6/7 Adron-RM and ISEM will be covered by the next Moscow visit (probably spring 2018) RLS is 2 hours from ESAC plan to set up a visit soon ESAC and ROCC continue to work on open issues via Confluence and email Next Bilateral TBD, most likely early next year