PT. IDEA Vision Solusindo
Background Globalization of the economy, industry and technology affects the growing need for systems and better technologies to support the business in a company A company needs to technology, does not make the company must have the information and technology division System development or just the further development of an operating system that is already running, should simply handed over to the company specialists in that field But not only that, the selection of the right partner is very important, because a good system should also be supported by qualified human resources PT. IDEA Vision Solusindo provide any such requirement
Who we are Established in Jakarta on August 30, 2010, PT. IDEA Vision Solusindo engaged in services provider, information system technology, and human resource professional workforce Limited Liability Company incorporated in the development of PT. IDEA Vision Solusindo have established relationships with various parties and labor to deliver the best service in their field We have experience In technology services and information systems with different client segments. Our clients come from various agencies, ranging from educational institutions to leading companies and business personal property
Service IT Consultant IT Solution Human resource Training and development
Our Service (IT Consultant) Clarifying a client's system specifications, understanding their work practices and the nature of their business Defining software, hardware and network requirements Analyze IT requirements within companies and giving independent and objective advice on the use of IT Developing agreed solutions and implementing new systems Designing, testing, installing and monitoring new systems Preparing documentation and presenting progress reports to customers Identifying potential clients and building and maintaining contacts
Our service (IT Solution) Our expertise is ready to assist you in the IT sphere : • IT infrastructure deployment • Cloud computing • Custom Application Development • Creation of web-based applications • Making the website and Intranet • Network computer • Database support • Manintenance software and hardware
Our Service (Human Resource) Provides alternative service selection and recruitment of human resources for the company, and business partners Serving the labor contract with the easy practical, transparent and provide benefits for both parties Meet the manpower requirements for companies and business partners with the filtration method, so that human resources which be deployed will meet the appropriate standard requirement (specialization in the field)
Our Service (Training & Development) Training and Development Establish training needs Create, plan and provide training materials in accordance with the needs of enterprises and work units Manage and carry out all activities of training and competency certification program according to the needs of companies Evaluate the effectiveness of the training held Conduct analysis and actively searching for concepts, techniques, and the latest training program Coordinate with the management and leadership of the department on matters relating to the improvement of training programs Motivate, develop and evaluate the capabilities and performance of subordinates
IDEA v Other Parties Company Requirement IDEA X PARTIES Training Cost Time Additional Fee Less Effective Replacement Handover mgmt App Development App Enhancement Resource Expertise
Vision Provides the best solutions in technology, information systems and human resource management Be the specialized provider of information systems technology and human resources which the most reliable and dependable.
Mission Being the best friend and consultant to client companies in every industry business Accommodate Potential Indonesia's human resources and develop business opportunities in the provision of professional labor. To contribute to the development and progress of Indonesia's human resources. Provide operational services of the best in client companies in every industry business
Our Client
Contact Us 12/F Menara Palma Jl. HR Rasuna Said Kav. 6 Blok X-2 PT IDEA Vision Solusindo 12/F Menara Palma Jl. HR Rasuna Said Kav. 6 Blok X-2 Jakarta 12950 - INDONESIA Telephone line +62 (21)2939 1181 Fax +62 (21)2939 1222 Email Website