Foster Youth Achievement Program Mission To ensure that all LAUSD students are enrolled, attending, engaged, and on-track to graduate. Debra Duardo, Executive Director Erika Torres, Director La Shona Jenkins, Coordinator Foster Youth Achievement Program Pupil Services
Overview 1) Identifying Foster Youth in LAUSD Student Data Systems 2) Case Management 4) Comprehensive Academic Assessment and other FYAP Forms 5) SOS Logs
Identifying Foster Youth In Lausd data systems
Student Information Systems Overview Description Handouts LAUSD system for entering, managing, analyzing, and reporting all data connected to every single student. (Identifies who the foster youth are at your school site) How to generate “Out of Home Care” Report Reports student information such as state test scores, on track to graduate, student grades, attendance, A-G coursework, periodic assessments, English Language Learner data, discipline referrals, suspensions and at-risk factors. (Ability to print/export at-risk factor reports) How to generate “At-Risk Indicators” Report SITS/CWISS DCFS database for LA Country CSWs. (Identify student’s CSW, SCSW, and attorney) How to access “SITS/CWISS”
Pupil Services 3-Tiered Service Indicators and Approaches Handout Academic Domain: ES/MS/HS:2 or More #1 or Fail Marks Or Attendance Domain: Far Below Basic 87% and Below Social Emotional/Behavior Domain: 1 or More Suspension or Crisis Intervention/Threat Assessment ES/MS/HS: One “1” or Fail Mark Below Basic or Basic, 87-95% Discipline Referrals EL: No #1 Marks, MS/HS: No Fail Marks Proficient/Advanced 96% and Above No suspensions or disciplinary actions Intensive: Individual Counseling, Multi- Disciplinary Meetings, Crisis Intervention/ Threat Assessment, Monitoring, Reviewing and/or Transferring Records, Referrals, Home Visits, Weekly Case Management,/Goals, Parent Conference , Monitoring of IGP Selected Target: Student Groups, Students/ Parent Workshops, Caregiver Meetings, Bi-weekly case management/goals Universal: Comprehensive Academic Assessment, Mass Communication Events, Informational Presentations, Recognition Events, District-Wide Training, Promote the Development and Involvement of Strategic Partnership Pupil Services 3-Tiered Service Indicators and Approaches Handout
Prioritizing Your Caseload Prioritize your caseload by identifying the number of risk factors a student has. The more risk factors a student has, the higher ranking priority the student has on your caseload. Examples of Elementary Risk Factors Majority of 1s/2s Basic, Below Basic, Far Below Basic attendance (< 92% attendance) Below average statewide testing Disciplinary actions, referrals, suspensions School Instability – frequent school transfers Examples of Secondary Risk Factors Off track to graduate Less than 2.0 GPA (middle and high school) Basic, Below Basic, Far Below Basic attendance (< 92% attendance) Below average statewide testing Disciplinary actions, referrals, suspensions, continuation school placement School instability – frequent school transfers
Example: High School At-Risk Report
Tiered Approach for Case Management Individual counseling, multi-disciplinary meetings, crisis intervention/ threat assessment, monitoring, reviewing and/or transferring school records, referrals, home visits, weekly case management, parent conference Intensive Student groups, student/ parent workshops, caregiver workshops, bi-weekly case management Target Comprehensive academic assessment, mass communication events, informational presentations, recognition events, district-wide training, promote the development and involvement of strategic partnership, ensure completion of IGPs Universal
Working with Foster Youth in Groups DO NOT summons Foster Youth out of class in groups for any reason (i.e. distribution of caregiver letters/backpacks/award assembly). If you would like to conduct a counseling group (i.e. anger management, social skills, life skills), meet with the students individually first and get their consent to participate in the group prior to starting your group. Prior ERH consent is required BE MINDFUL!
Comprehensive Academic Assessment & Other FYAP Forms
Early Education Supplemental Form
High School Senior Supplementary Form
Individual Success Plan
Progress Notes
SOS Logs
You can email the SOS Log to your Lead Counselor We recommend that you do not use a flash drive to carry or transfer student information. If you need to transfer student information, save files to your laptop and delete from the flash drive Use District issued laptop/computers when completing all FYAP forms and SOS logs Do not leave records lying in the open where they can be accessed by others Check with your lead counselor if uncertain about releasing student information. It is better to protect information than risk violating student’s rights and privacy.
Summary of Service Log Counselor Monthly Tab
Summary of Service Log Totals Tab
When should you close a case? A case should be considered closed if a student: Transfers to another LAUSD school Transfers to another school district No Shows (Must call CSW and attempt to locate student) Graduates high school Graduates high school with an AB 216 exemption Is in adult prison Is deceased If a caregiver/parent refuses services the case should remain open
Case Management Flowchart: Caregiver declines FYAP Services Case should remain OPEN Counselor to monitor attendance, academics, and social emotional well being Counselor to collaborate with LAUSD support staff as needed Counselor to refer to school based services( i.e. COST, SST, IEP LAT, SART) and participate in meetings as needed If a student is in crisis and seeks assistance or student is referred to you for assistance, you must provide crisis intervention services DOCUMENT ALL YOUR EFFORTS AND CONSULT WITH YOUR LEAD COUNSELOR AS NEEDED
When in doubt, contact your lead Counselor or specialist! Questions?