Project Title Here Introduction Context Design Task 1 Copy the Introduction which has been given to you into this space. Design Task 1 Copy the Brief which has been given to you into this space. Initial Specification From the Introduction and Brief, highlight the main requirements of the project and list them here as bullet points. There should be about 5 or 6 points. Entry Number: Page:
Replace headings with ACCESSFM. Project Title Here Task Analysis Replace headings with ACCESSFM. Entry Number: Page:
Project Title Here Existing Products Find at least 4 relevant examples of existing packaging to analyse. Use ACCESSFM as heading under which to analyse them. Aesthetics Customer Cost Environment Size Safety Function Materials and manufacture Entry Number: Page:
Project Title Here User Profile Profile your user. Decide who they are and start with the basics such as gender and age. Then consider their interests, hobbies, clothing, family background/income level, habits etc. Present it in a way which is appealing and easy to follow. Entry Number: Page:
Project Title Here Disassembly Materials Manufacturing Processes This is the most important piece of primary research which you will carry out so it is vital that you include plenty of detail. Include photographs and sketches of the product you are analysing. If possible, take it apart so you can see the net. Label the parts and then use the questions opposite to help you analyse the product. Materials What materials are used to make the product? Why are they used? Are they sustainable? Manufacturing Processes What manufacturing processes are used to make the product? Finishes What finishes are used on the product? Why? Constructional Details How are the parts joined? Are they permanent or non permanent? Explain how and why. Target User Who is the product aimed at? Explain your reasoning. Graphical Content List the information which appears on the package giving reasons for it. Has sustainability been included? What symbols are included and what do they mean? front panel back panel glue tab (permanent joint) locking tuck – the slots lock onto tabs on the dust flaps dust flap 4 side panels showing logo Entry Number: Page:
Project Title Here Analysis and Design Criteria Criteria Research Analysis Design Criteria Aesthetics Customer (Target Market) Cost Environment Safety Size Function Materials & Manufacture In this column, explain in detail what you found out from your research under these headings (ACCESSFM). Give detail eg ‘I found that the favourite characters of 6 year old boys are aliens, monsters and dragons’, rather than ‘I found out what characters 6 year old boys like’. In this column, list the requirements of your design under the same headings. List these as bullet point and justify them i.e. explain why. Entry Number: Page:
Project Title Here Initial Ideas 3D Present them as isometric, perspective, exploded and sectional sketches and use thick and thin line to enhance their appearance. Sketch 6-8 creative and imaginative initial ideas for your 3D package here. They should link back to your research and be suitable for your user. Try using an existing design as an inspiration and starting point for your ideas. Search Google images for ‘cool packaging’ to see loads of fantastic package designs. Annotations should include: function, materials + justification, manufacturing techniques + justification; and explain social, moral, environmental and sustainability issues. 3rd party feedback must be included. Entry Number: Page:
Annotations must include: Project Title Here Initial Ideas 3D Continued Annotations must include: Size Materials Cost Functions Manufacturing processes Ergonomics Social/moral/cultural Refer to design criteria and target group Entry Number: Page:
Project Title Here Research & Development Use this page to record any additional information which you will need to take your 3D design forward. Examples of this could include: looking at closures, gathering measurements of products to be packaged, further research of materials and anthropometric data eg hand sizes for a handle. Entry Number: Page:
Project Title Here Modelling Use this page to explore different ways to construct your product. Include photographs of your modelling. Clearly demonstrate that you have tested your ideas and modified your designs. Use photographs to show this and include a sketch of the modified net explaining what you changed and why. Entry Number: Page:
Project Title Here Surface Development in Techsoft This should show any further modelling and improvements to your design. Include a screen shot of your net (with dimensions) drawn in Techsoft and a photograph of your 3D model showing that it works. Entry Number: Page:
Project Title Here Research & Development of Graphics Carry out some additional research into typefaces, colours and images which could be used in your design. Typefaces For main headings try looking at font websites such as and Use the snipping tool to copy and paste them. Remember to note the name of the font and reference the website. Colours Try to use the Pantone colour matching system. You will find these in Photoshop in the colour library. Images Research images which you think will suit your target market and the type of product you are designing. Better still, draw your own! Entry Number: Page:
Project Title Here Layout Design Ideas Draw thumbnail sketches of some possible layout designs. Consider the position of the main title, body text, symbols, images, bar code etc. Main headings can be pencilled in but body text (small text and paragraphs) should be ‘greeked-in’ ie sketched as parallel line showing alignment. Entry Number: Page:
Project Title Here Mock-up with Graphics Make a mock-up of your final design including hand drawn graphics to test whether it will work and whether the graphics are in the correct position before you start to build up your design in Photoshop. Photograph it and evaluate it against your design criteria. Does it meet all of the requirements? Entry Number: Page:
Project Title Here Photoshop Development and Final Design Keep a record of the development of your graphics in Photoshop. Every time you alter or add something to the net, save a screen shot of it to be added to this page when you’ve finished. Entry Number: Page:
Project Title Here Production Plan Entry Number: Page:
Project Title Here Manufacturing Specification Manufacture in School Materials, techniques and processes Justification Manufacture in School Manufacture in Industry Materials Size Weight Finish Printing Method Printing Effects Manufacturing Processes Equipment Assembly Scale of Production Other Entry Number: Page:
Project Title Here Include dimensions Working Drawings Entry Number: Page:
Project Title Here Record of Making Entry Number: Page:
Project Title Here Testing & Evaluation Finally... Test your final product against the design criteria. List the criteria and next to each requirement write a short statement saying whether you met the requirement and explain how or why not. Ask your target user to give you feedback on your design. Explain anything which you had to change during the course of making your package. Suggest improvements you would make if you were to do it again. Entry Number: Page: