Feelings and Emotions
When you feel nice, or scared, or bad, you have feeling or an emotion.
You can feel happy,
or bored.
But why do we feel happy and sad, excited and bored? ? ?
Because the world or people are good, because they are nice,
and sometimes bad, like when they hit.
The world can be pretty, like a sunset,
or ugly, like a pile of garbage,
and it can be comforting, like a cozy fire and a kitty cat,
or scary, like a barking dog,
and the world can be interesting, like a good book,
or boring, like having nothing to do.
The world is very big and has many things in it, good and bad.
Emotions are what we feel when we see things that are good, bad, pretty, ugly, and so on.
When somebody takes what you want, you say “Darn it When somebody takes what you want, you say “Darn it!" and you feel angry.
If you get food you like, you say "Yum!" and you feel pleasure.
If you get food you hate to eat, you say "Yuck If you get food you hate to eat, you say "Yuck!" and you feel disgusted.
When your mama helps you, you say, "I love you!' and you feel love.
If something happens suddenly, you say, "Eeek!" and you feel surprise.
These kids expect the bus to come soon. Sometimes you know something will happen, so you say, "Here it comes," and you expect it. These kids expect the bus to come soon.
When you want something you might not get, you say, "I wish," and you feel hope.
But when you think something might hurt you, you say, "Oh no," and you feel fear. This is just a man in a costume, don’t worry!
But you don't have to be afraid But you don't have to be afraid. If you say, "All right, I'll do it," then you feel brave, you have courage.
When people say things you don't understand, then you say, "Huh When people say things you don't understand, then you say, "Huh?" or "I don't get it" and you feel confused.
But when you finally do understand, then you say, "Aha!" and "I get it!" and you feel sure or confident.
When somebody says something you already know, then you say, "Blah" or "I know that," and you feel bored.
When you are hurt, then you say, "Ow!" and "Wah!" and you feel sad.
But when you get what you want, then you say, "Yay But when you get what you want, then you say, "Yay!" and you feel happy.
The End