Proposal report organization MDM ROHAZITA BAHARI
Content of proposal Title page Table of content Executive summary – max of 1 page Introduction – 2-3 pages Problem statement – max of 1 page Research Questions – 3 Questions – 1 Page (with objectives) Objective – at least 3 objectives – 1 page (with objectives) Literature review – 15 to 20 pages Methodology – 10 pages Gantt chart – 1 page Milestones – 1 page Expected resulted – max 1 page Reference - min of 10 latest ref within 5 years (2011-2016) Content of proposal
Gantt Chart
Submission of proposal Proposal defense Semester 1 Semester 2 Activity Weeks 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Proposal preparation Submission of proposal Proposal defense Sample collection Preparation of C. nutans extract Radical scavenging assay for antioxidant Measurement of total chlorophyll Kinetic analysis Thesis writing Viva presentation Submission of full thesis
milestones Milestone Date Proposal submission Sample preparation October 2017 December 2017 Heat treatment of C. nutans extract Measurement of total chlorophyll and DPPH radical scavenging assay Kinetic analysis of chlorophyll degradation and antioxidant activity January 2018 Thesis submission May 2018 milestones
“Choose proper tenses” Introduction – present tense Literature – past tense Method – future tense Findings – present tense
Recap- marks distribution
WRITTEN PROPOSAL - RUBRIC PO10 – Communication Skill (To be Evaluated from Written Proposal) Name of Student : Matric No: Project Title: Name of Supervisor: NO CRITERIA EXEMPLARY PROFICIENT ACCEPTABLE UNACCEPTABLE SCORE 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Organization & Style Excellent flow of information according to the UniMAP standard format and guidelines. Good flow of information according to the UniMAP standard format and guidelines. Moderate flow of information according to the UniMAP standard format and guidelines. Poor flow of information according to the UniMAP standard format and guidelines. Content & Knowledge Fully meet the level of knowledge required by the course. Sufficiently fulfil the level of knowledge required by the course. Partially meet the level of knowledge required by the course. Insufficient level of knowledge required by the course. Executive Summary The executive summary is professional and creates a curiosity in the reader to go further in the report. The executive summary is just a correct compounding of the report content. One of the important information about the project is missing (e.g. problem statement, solution procedure, deliverables) The executive summary lacks a lot of relevant information about the project. Compose problem statement Clearly defined and state concise the problem statement sentence to address the issue. Adequately define and state problem statement to address the issue Inadequate problem statement and not addressing the real issues Fail to identify and state the problem statement Rational of techniques used All techniques used during the experiment very well explained. All techniques used during the experiment were explained. Some techniques used during the experiment were not explained clearly. Some techniques used during the experiment were not explained.
Findings /Result [Expected finding] NO CRITERIA EXEMPLARY PROFICIENT ACCEPTABLE UNACCEPTABLE SCORE 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Findings /Result [Expected finding] Thorough comparison and contrast of findings are provided and relate to the main discussion points in the order of their appearance in the purpose statement. Focus is on research findings rather than research methods. Comparison and contrast of findings are sufficiently provided thoroughness. Discussion of findings sufficiently relates to the main discussion points in the purpose statement. Comparison and contrast of findings are provided but lack thoroughness. Discussion of findings could relate better to the main discussion points in the purpose statement. Comparison and contrast of findings are lacking. Discussion of findings does not relate well to main discussion points in the purpose statement. Grammar & Spelling Rare errors in grammar and spelling are observed in the report. Seldom errors in grammar and spelling are observed in the report. Frequent errors in grammar and spelling are observed in the report. Abundance of errors in grammar and spelling are observed in the report. References Optimum number current references citation. APA format is used accurately and consistently in the paper and on the “References” page. Sufficient number current references citation APA format is used with minor errors. Partially sufficient number current references citation There are frequent errors in APA format. Inadequate number current references citation Format of the document is not recognizable as APA. TOTAL SCORE /80 TOTAL MARKS = 80 ×30%=