Cognitive Neuroscience and Dementia Daniela Montaldi Memory Research Unit
Dementia Dementia presents us with very specific challenges Dementia by definition involves cognitive impairment (to comprehension, communication, memory etc.) To understand and explore dementia we must explore and understand cognitive ageing Determining onset is critical, and urgent (i.e., biomarkers) Individuals deteriorate so research must address/reflect this change
Dementia Cell Mechanisms Biomarkers Genetics Target identification
Dementia Society Neighborhoods Social Policy Nursing home care
Dementia Imaging Cognition Neurology Psychiatry Early detection Biomarkers Differential diagnosis Phenotypes Treatment monitoring
Dementia Cell Society Imaging Cognition Neurology Psychiatry
Cognitive Neuroscience (CN) Dementia Imaging Cognition Cognitive Neuroscience (CN)
CN approach to dementia research
CN approach to dementia research Language Memory Emotion Movement Perception Action Communication Executive Attention Social Timing Multi-modal
Detecting subtle memory deficits Medial temporal Lobe
Detecting subtle memory deficits Medial temporal Lobe Mayes et al. 2007
Hippocampal structural integrity Detecting subtle memory deficits Medial temporal Lobe MRI structural scanning can reveal damage to key memory structures like the Hippocampus We can measure the extent of damage New methods (DTI) now allow us to look at the microstructure in more detail- i.e. subtle changes Need to be able to explore hippocampal subregions reliably Mayes et al. 2007 Hippocampal structural integrity
Hippocampal behavioural challenge Detecting subtle memory deficits Medial temporal Lobe Hippocampal behavioural challenge Mayes et al. 2007 We have developed memory paradigms that specifically challenge the hippocampus We have shown that these paradigms depend selectively on hippocampal integrity These types of procedure can be good indicators of early and subtle memory change Can we automate stimulus similarity rating?
Pupil dilation and eye movement memory indices Detecting subtle memory deficits Medial temporal Lobe Eye-tracking reveals sensitive indicators of memory function We can monitor memory strength Hippocampal-specific function can be measured Subtle memory correlates can be obtained without asking participants to explicitly remember Mayes et al. 2007 Pupil dilation and eye movement memory indices
Modulation of hippocampal fMRI Detecting subtle memory deficits Medial temporal Lobe Mayes et al. 2007 Modulation of hippocampal fMRI We have identified an fMRI method of measuring spontaneous hippocampal encoding This method targets the hippocampal–midbrain dopaminergic system Therefore it might represent a very subtle and early source of memory impairment
Detecting subtle memory deficits Medial temporal Lobe Hippocampal behavioural challenge Migo et al. 2009 & in press Mayes et al. 2007 Modulation of hippocampal fMRI Kafkas & Montaldi, 2012 & in press Hippocampal structural integrity Pupil dilation and eye movement memory indices Kafkas & Montaldi 2011 & 2012
Dementia Cell Society EPS has potential role Detection/monitoring Measurement Modeling Convergent methodologies Assistive technology
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