INTRODUCTION: “Then do this, understand the present time. The hour has come for you to wake up from your slumber, because our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed.” Romans 13:11 I Thessalonians 5:5–8
I. THERE ARE TIMES OF HURT II Samuel 4:4; I Chronicles 8:34; II Samuel 9:3
II. THERE ARE TIMES OF HINDRANCES A. Fear - II Samuel 9:7 1. Fear not angelic messages - Matthew 1:20 2. Fear not derogatory words – Matthew 10:26 3. Fear not those who just kill the body – Matthew 10:28 4. Fear not an empty grave – Matthew 28:5 5. Fear not when severe sickness strikes your children – Mark 5:36 6. Fear not about evangelizing – Luke 5:10; acts 27:24 7. Fear not about your need for food and drink – Luke 12:32 Romans 8:15; Revelation 1:17,18
II. THERE ARE TIMES OF HINDRANCES (Contd.) B. Failure – “What is your servant, that you should notice a dead dog like me?” II Samuel 9:8 “But I tell you that men will have to give account on the day of judgement for every careless word they have spoken.” Matthew 12:36
III. THERE ARE TIMES OF HONOUR “You will always eat at my (the King’s) table.” II Samuel 9:7, 10, 13 Job 11:13-19