Figure Legend: From: Dynamics of oculomotor direction discrimination Journal of Vision. 2016;16(13):4. doi:10.1167/16.13.4 Figure Legend: Construction of oculometric functions for pursuit direction discrimination. (A) Frequency histograms of the vertical eye speed over single trials to the different step-ramp directions (shown here in different colors) for observer Do 200 ms after target onset. The black histogram shows the vertical eye velocities of purely horizontal trials, which were used as baseline. (B) For each ramp direction the proportions of trials with an upward eye speed change (y-axis) is plotted over time since eye onset for a single observer relative to his/her baseline (black line). Shortly after less than 50 ms proportions of the upward eye speed changes start to deviate according to the ramp direction and asymptote. Date of download: 11/14/2017 The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Copyright © 2017. All rights reserved.