Example Feasibility Study Matrix


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Presentation transcript:

Example Feasibility Study Matrix Feasibility Study Scope Indicative Timescale Indicative Cost Basic change / connection Small flow rate change at an existing site with National Grid owned Connection AGI, or A new Industrial & Commercial NTS connection at a green field site requiring no service pipeline and with no neighbouring NTS exit points. 3 months £10k to £50k Semi complex change / connection Ramp rate change at an existing site with a National Grid owned Connection and with no other NTS exit customers in close proximity, or New connection approx 20km from NTS requiring service pipeline construction across good terrain 6 months £50k to £100k Complex change / connection Multiple modifications (flow rate, ramp rates etc) to an existing site with National Grid owned connection & metering AGIs and/or with a number of other NTS exit customers in close proximity, or New power station connection 20+km from NTS requiring service pipeline construction across poor terrain 9+ months £100k to £250k