CELC Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Sunday Worship 9:30 a.m. Saturday Worship 5:00 p.m. Welcome to Worship
We are happy to have you with us and wish you a warm welcome We are happy to have you with us and wish you a warm welcome. If you would like more information about our church and its ministries, please look for a member of the Welcoming Team by the TV after the service for information and a gift. Welcome to Worship
Attention families: Located just outside of the Sanctuary doors you will find activity bags and clip boards for kids to explore and use. Please feel free to take one to your seat and return it to the same location when you are finished. Welcome to Worship
Today’s flowers are given by the Polack and Musat families in celebration of Carah’s 17th birthday.
"God's work. Our hands." Sunday, the nationwide Lutheran day of service, will be held on Sunday, September 10. T-shirts are available for $7.25, but orders must be received by July 25. For more information, please contact Ryan Smarsh (440) 933-5202. Congregation News
Worship Assistants and Volunteers This Sunday, July 23 Greeters: Kevin and Kristi Carpenter Usher: Brian Knip Lector: Laura Musat Acolytes: Connor and Julia Kacenjar Cantor: Johanna Markko Assists: Cantor Genny Helmink Marilyn Culler Acolytes Altar: Carol Meiners Counters: Eric Klenz Bread: Jamie Crout Lawn 7/24 – 7/29:Paul Culler Worship Assistants and Volunteers
Worship Assistants and Volunteers Next Sunday, July 30 Greeters: Knip family Usher: Karen Lecorchick Lector: Joe Guthman Acolytes: Ian and Addison Crout Cantor: Kevin Carpenter Assists: Cantor Anne Paine Fred Kirtner Acolytes Altar: Carol Meiners Counters: Brenda Crout Bread: Marilyn Culler Lawn 7/31 – 8/5: Chuck Heindrichs Worship Assistants and Volunteers
Congregation Calendar Sunday, July 23 9:30 a.m. Holy Worship Monday, July 24 Office Closed Tuesday, July 25 Friday, July 28 Pastor’s day off Saturday, July 29 6:30 a.m. Men’s Bible study 5:00 p.m. Holy Worship Sunday, July 30 Congregation Calendar
Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church 32747 Lake Road Avon Lake, Ohio 44012 Phone: (440) 933-6263 celc.mainoffice@gmail.com www.christlutheranavonlake.org Pastor: Jeff Steeber revsteeber@gmail.com Pastor’s cell: (440) 241-1375 Office Administrator: Heather Nordman Organist: Randi Smarsh Custodian: Bill Higgins