River Land forms Explain the stream channel processes (erosion, transport, deposition) and explain the resultant landforms found on floodplains.
Remember to try and identify which processes are related to the landforms
River Processes Erosion Transportation Deposition Traction Saltation Solution/Corrosion Corrasion/Abrasion Hydraulic Action Attrition Transportation Traction Saltation Suspension Solution Deposition Low river energy
Erosional & Depositional River Landforms Erosional Waterfalls Gorges Valleys Depositional Floodplains Levees Deltas Erosional & Depositional Oxbow Lakes Meanders
Land forms in the Upper course
The following landforms are erosional (Erosion is the main process occurring in the upper course. In particular, vertical erosion)
V shaped valleys and interlocking spurs Both of these features tend to occur near the upper course of the river Both vertical and lateral erosion will form wide V-shaped valleys
The river erodes downwards (vertical erosion) through processes such as abrasion and hydraulic action.
Which erosional process is this?
Why are waterfalls not often found in the lower course? Because vertical erosion leads a river to it’s base level. In the lower course, the river is usually already closer to base level.
Landforms in the middle and lower course
The following landforms are depositional
Erosional & Depositional River Landforms Erosional Waterfalls Gorges Valleys Depositional Floodplains Levees Deltas Erosional & Depositional Oxbow Lakes Meanders
Floodplains A wide and low-lying plain found on both sides of a river covered with alluvium deposited by the river
Why do we say that a floodplain is depositional?
When the floods subside, alluvium is deposited on the floodplain When the floods subside, alluvium is deposited on the floodplain. The larger materials, being heavier, are deposited at the river banks while the finer materials are carried and deposited further away from the river. The larger materials at the river banks build upinto embankment called levees.
Delta( found in lower course)
The following are erosional and depositional land forms
Erosional & Depositional River Landforms Erosional Waterfalls Gorges Valleys Depositional Floodplains Levees Deltas Erosional & Depositional Oxbow Lakes Meanders