JRCS Technology Faculty – Marking Guide Assessment Guidelines: Assessment practice will include a variety of measures in the technology faculty as not all of students work is written in exercise books. However both practical and theoretical work will be marked and feedback given using the following methods: Written Verbal Self/Peer Task Marking: Students should have written work regularly task marked and the task should be responded to and then checked by the teacher. Tasks should be: Clear & concise To close the gap in students knowledge or to extend them further (adding challenge) Time in lessons should be given to students to complete tasks. This could be done as a starter activity. Tasks need to be given to students in an appropriate time frame. Tasks need to be rechecked by the teacher. No levels/grades to be used on students work during KS3 Task marking comments only KS4 Marking At key stage four levels and grades can be given, however when task marking it may still be beneficial to just include a comment. In addition to classwork all controlled assessment and exam practice will need to be marked with detail feedback to students. All KS4 trackers (exams and controlled assessment) will need to be updated as assessing progresses. Self/Peer Assessment: Opportunities should be given for students to complete self and peer assessment activities during lesson time Positive Reinforcement: Use positive reinforcement when students have improved their effort in lessons and within in their work. Where necessary reward with credit/LOC. Reward students who have shown effort around a task they are completing i.e. department postcards for additional work etc. Purple pens for literacy work. Green pens for self/peer assessment and responding to tasks. Student colour pens: Skills Ladders and Reflection Sheets After each module of work reflection sheets need to be filled in. At key stage four they should include a level/grade, however at KS3 it should be comment based only. Skills ladders should be used for students to reflect on their progress and what they need to do to improve. Targets should be based around learning and what students need to do to improve. Targets should be: Specific – Measurable – Achievable – Realistic – Time related For further details on marking please refer to the department marking policies.