Vladimir Matic 100 PROJECTS FOR 100 SCHOOLS 11° Multi-Club Workshop London, 9° September 2017 Multi-Club Workshop and Service Projects 100 PROJECTS FOR 100 SCHOOLS Vladimir Matic Rotary Club Beograd Cukarica Governor-Elect 2018-2019 D 2483 (Serbia & Montenegro)
The 11° Multi-Club Workshop Multi-Club Workshop and Service Projects 100 PROJECTS for 100 SCHOOLS ______________________________________________________________________________ The 11° Multi-Club Workshop London, 09/09/2017
The 11° Multi-Club Workshop Multi-Club Workshop and Service Projects 100 PROJECTS for 100 SCHOOLS ABOUT THE PROJECT The project “100 for 100”-100 projects for 100 schools in Serbia and Montenegro has been started in District 2483 Serbia and Montenegro to mark the Centennial of Rotary Foundation. In cooperation with the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Progress of the Republic of Serbia we intend to supply schools with computers, laptops, tablets and the necessary networking equipment. In this way we wish to contribute to implementation of Information and Communication Technology program in primary school curriculum and improve the quality of the teaching process in Serbian schools through the training of their teachers. Through this project Rotary clubs will also assist schools to equip other facilities , such as school libraries, kitchens, and provide awards and scholarships for outstanding students. ______________________________________________________________________________ The 11° Multi-Club Workshop London, 09/09/2017
The 11° Multi-Club Workshop Multi-Club Workshop and Service Projects 100 PROJECTS for 100 SCHOOLS ACTIVITIES UNDERTAKEN SO FAR all clubs in District 2483 have been invited to organize fundraising events and to invite their twin clubs from other Districts to support the project; large number of international clubs and Districts have been contacted and asked for financial contribution to the Global Grant as the major part of the project”100 for 100”; large number of sponsors have been contacted and invited to support the project either by directing the funds to our Global Grant or by purchasing new/donating used computers. As a result of these activities a few schools have already received donations. ______________________________________________________________________________ The 11° Multi-Club Workshop London, 09/09/2017
PROJECT VISIBILITY AND TRANSPARENCY The 11° Multi-Club Workshop Multi-Club Workshop and Service Projects 100 PROJECTS for 100 SCHOOLS PROJECT VISIBILITY AND TRANSPARENCY -Successful implementation of the project “100 for 100”, better equipped schools with improved learning environment will increase the visibility of Rotary in the local communities of both countries; -The project has been well covered by electronic and printed media in our District; -We have opened the website and the facebook page which show all donations and count the projects starting from 1,2,3,4,5…. and hopefully reaching 100 in 2018. ______________________________________________________________________________ The 11° Multi-Club Workshop London, 09/09/2017
DONATIONS Multi-Club Workshop and Service Projects 100 PROJECTS for 100 SCHOOLS WEBSITE AND FACEBOOK PAGE OF PROJECT “100 FOR 100” DONATIONS ______________________________________________________________________________ The 11° Multi-Club Workshop London, 09/09/2017
DONATIONS Multi-Club Workshop and Service Projects 100 PROJECTS for 100 SCHOOLS WEBSITE AND FACEBOOK PAGE OF PROJECT “100 FOR 100” DONATIONS ______________________________________________________________________________ The 11° Multi-Club Workshop London, 09/09/2017
DONATIONS Multi-Club Workshop and Service Projects 100 PROJECTS for 100 SCHOOLS WEBSITE AND FACEBOOK PAGE OF PROJECT “100 FOR 100” DONATIONS ______________________________________________________________________________ The 11° Multi-Club Workshop London, 09/09/2017
…. UNTIL 100 !!! DONATIONS Multi-Club Workshop and Service Projects 100 PROJECTS for 100 SCHOOLS WEBSITE AND FACEBOOK PAGE OF PROJECT “100 FOR 100” DONATIONS …. UNTIL 100 !!! ______________________________________________________________________________ The 11° Multi-Club Workshop London, 09/09/2017
The 11° Multi-Club Workshop Multi-Club Workshop and Service Projects 100 PROJECTS for 100 SCHOOLS GLOBAL GRANT “100 za 100” The major part of the project “100 for 100” is Global Grant which will be executed by Rotary Club of Beograd-Cukarica with the help of friendly clubs and Districts and with the support of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Progress of the Republic of Serbia. The related activities have been planned to develop according to the following schedule: collecting decisions in writing by the end of October 2017 and submitting the application to TRF by November 18, 2017, the date of 10th Charter anniversary of RC Beograd-Cukarica. The total budget value of the Global Grant is US$ 110,000-with US$99,500 for the cost of material and equipment and US$10,500 for the cost of teacher training at Petnica Science Centre. The equipment purchased will be delivered to 30-40 schools in the communities of local Rotary clubs in our District who gave their financial contribution. ______________________________________________________________________________ The 11° Multi-Club Workshop London, 09/09/2017
GLOBAL GRANT-ACTIVITY SCHEDULE The 11° Multi-Club Workshop Multi-Club Workshop and Service Projects 100 PROJECTS for 100 SCHOOLS GLOBAL GRANT-ACTIVITY SCHEDULE ACTIVITY TIMING 1. Collecting decisions in writing by October 2017 (deadline November 18) 2. Submitting the application to TRF November 2017 3. Corrections of the application December 2017-January 2018 4. Approval of the application by February 24 (RI Day) 5. Raising funds from partners March-July 2018 6. Bank certificate about the funds on the dedicated bank account July 2018 7. Transfer of funds to dedicated account August 2018 8. Purchasing of equipment August-September2018 (Note: collecting bids before the purchasing) 9. Delivering of equipment September 2018 (school year beginning) 10.GG Reports December 2018-January 2019 ______________________________________________________________________________ The 11° Multi-Club Workshop London, 09/09/2017
Multi-Club Workshop and Service Projects 100 PROJECTS for 100 SCHOOLS The list of decisions that we have so far received in writing A) 1. District 2483 DDF 5,500 US dollars + TRF 5,500 US dollars = 11,000 US dollars 2. District 1910 Austria DDF 5,500 US dollars + TRF 5,500 US dollars = 11,000 US dollars 3. District 6510 USA DDF 1,000 US dollars + TRF 1,000 US dollars = 2,000 US dollars 4.Host club Cukarica cash 5,500 US dollars + TRF 2,750 US dollars = 8,250 US dollars 5.District 2483 cash 5,500 US dollars + TRF 2,750 US dollars = 8,250 US dollars 6.RC Bari-inopartner-cash 5,500 US dollars + TRF 2,750 US dollars = 8,250 US dollars 7. Host clubs from D-2483 4,600 US dollars + TRF 2,300 US dollars = 6,900 US dollars (RC N. S. Alma Mons, E-Club)_______________________________________________________ TOTAL DDF+cash 33,100 US dollars TRF 22,550 US dollars = 55,650 US dollars And by the end of October (deadline November 18, 2017) we expect to receive the following decisions: B) 1.Host clubs from D2483cash 6,400 US dollars + TRF 3,200 US dollars = 9,600 US dollars 2.Clubs from other Distr.cash 10,000 US dollars + TRF 5,000 US dollars = 15,000 US dollars 3.Other Districts cash 6,500 US dollars + TRF 3,250 US dollars = 9,750 US dollars 4.Other Districts DDF 10,000 US dollars + TRF 10,000 US dollars = 20,000 US dollars TOTAL DDF+cash 32,900 US dollars TRF 21,450 US dollars = 54,350 US dollars T O T A L A+B = 55,650 US dollars + 54,350 US dollars = 110,000 US dollars ______________________________________________________________________________ The 11° Multi-Club Workshop London, 09/09/2017
The 11° Multi-Club Workshop Multi-Club Workshop and Service Projects 100 PROJECTS for 100 SCHOOLS TEACHER TRAINING Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Progress of the Republic of Serbia The Ministry has made a detailed plan and has already started with 1- to- 4 day training seminars which will be held for the teachers across Serbia who need to improve their digital competence. b) Petnica Science Centre - PSC Teachers from 30-40 schools which will receive equipment funded from this Global Grant will attend special training seminars. At these more advanced seminars teachers will acquire skills which will enable them to apply modern teaching methods in their classes and also to run seminars at their schools and train other teachers. Petnica Science Centre is one of the largest and oldest non-profit organizations in south-east Europe, specialized in student and teacher education, with more than 3,500 programmes in 15 science fields and over 50,000 students and teacher attendees since 1982. ______________________________________________________________________________ The 11° Multi-Club Workshop London, 09/09/2017
The 11° Multi-Club Workshop Multi-Club Workshop and Service Projects 100 PROJECTS for 100 SCHOOLS SUSTAINABILITY School directors have demonstrated strong support for the project implementation. Their interest in being part of the project is not only to get new equipment for ICT classrooms but also to provide better learning environment for their students. Apart from the initial training undertaken by the Ministry of Education and Petnica Science Centre, school directors will be bound to organize at their schools the training for all teaching staff at the beginning of every school year. These trainings will be run by the teacher trainers who attended the initial seminars. In this way: -all members of the teaching staff will be able to learn how to apply modern methods of teaching; -the overall quality of the teaching process will improve; -the quality of the learning process will be improved with students, as well as their motivation ______________________________________________________________________________ The 11° Multi-Club Workshop London, 09/09/2017
The 11° Multi-Club Workshop Multi-Club Workshop and Service Projects 100 PROJECTS for 100 SCHOOLS BUDGET Material and equipment: US$99,500.00 2. Training of teachers (2 years): US$10,500.00 __________________________ TOTAL BUDGET: US$110,000.00 ______________________________________________________________________________ The 11° Multi-Club Workshop London, 09/09/2017
The 11° Multi-Club Workshop Multi-Club Workshop and Service Projects 100 PROJECTS for 100 SCHOOLS FINANCING 1. Cash from Local Partner: US$ 10,100.00 2. Cash from D2483: US$ 5,500.00 3. Cash from International Partner: US$ 5,500.00 4. DDF (Designated District Fund) from D 2483: US$ 5,500.00 5. DDF from other Districts (D 1910, D 6510): US$ 6,500.00 -------------------------------- TOTAL: US$ 33,100.00 6. World Fund (TRF): 50%*cash + 100%*DDF: US$ 22,550.00 7. Contribution needed (cash + DDf + WF): US$ 54,350.00 ____________________ TOTAL FINANCING: US$ 110,000.00 ______________________________________________________________________________ The 11° Multi-Club Workshop London, 09/09/2017
THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION Multi-Club Workshop and Service Projects 100 PROJECTS for 100 SCHOOLS THIS TIME NEXT YEAR WE HOPE TO REACH THE MAGIC NUMBER – 100! THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION ______________________________________________________________________________ The 11° Multi-Club Workshop London, 09/09/2017