Minimising Plastic Waste in the Marine Environment: Opportunities for investing in the transition to a circular economy 23rd March 2017 UK Sustainable Investment Forum
UK Sustainable Investment Forum Consult Convene Catalyse HRH established the ISU in 2010 to help facilitate consensus around solutions to some of the world’’s most pressing social and environmental issues the bringing together of different stakeholder groups and sectors is really our modus operandi, after having done intelligence gathering, widespread consultation and put together, in most cases, an evidence base that brings as many people into the conversation as possible almost in every issue we have delved into we have sought a strong economic rationale and sought to bring the finance sector in e.g PRP, land grabs, fisheries finance, Climate Wise, P80 Plastics meeting, Washington D.C, March 2017 23rd March 2017 UK Sustainable Investment Forum
UK Sustainable Investment Forum BLUE ECONOMY: - assets 23rd March 2017 UK Sustainable Investment Forum
UK Sustainable Investment Forum Why is plastic an issue for the marine environment? 23rd March 2017 UK Sustainable Investment Forum
UK Sustainable Investment Forum Plastic waste that leaks into the ocean presents a key risk to the ocean or ‘blue’ economy Tourism Seafood production Infrastructure 23rd March 2017 UK Sustainable Investment Forum
UK Sustainable Investment Forum The solutions are predominantly terrestrial…. Ocean clean-up is largely not feasible at the scale required to make a difference and it may not be the best use of resources, despite progress being made in a number of innovation areas Transition to a circular plastics economy – Innovation and design; Technology; waste infrastructure in emerging economies; Alternatives 23rd March 2017 UK Sustainable Investment Forum
UK Sustainable Investment Forum Enabling environment: Secure, long-term policies that incentivise reduction, re-use and recycling and prolonged life-cycles of products Role for certification? A ‘Plastics Stewardship Council’….. 23rd March 2017 UK Sustainable Investment Forum