ASSESSMENT& EVALUATION Teaching and Student Achievement Value of assessment? Why is it important? What, When, Where and How do we assess?
Value of Assessment Measures how we are doing Helps us to improve, plan, write curriculum, develop new material, strategize Provides data to use locally, regionally, nationally Informs our constituents, stakeholders on progress - how well students are being served - how effective are the teachers? - how do our schools compare . . .
WHAT, WHEN & HOW do we assess Dance? Knowledge, Comprehension, Application Dance vocabulary – understanding and using the Movement Elements Dance skills – demonstrating and using skills – technical articulation, remembering sequences, clarity of movement, variety of skills, etc. Creating – individual exploration, working with others, improvisation, choreography Performance – individual and with others Response/observations – how students view and comment, understanding and using the dance language, feelings, reactions, attitudes, social interactions, self concept.
WHEN? PRE ASSESSMENT – knowledge, development level, both physically and psychologically, socio-economic, . . . FORMATIVE - In the moment, through the Lesson – through feedback and observation SUMMATIVE - At the conclusion of the learning experience – either class or unit of learning. Achievement is focused on accumulated learning through multiple experiences. As mandated by school districts or studio policy. When a student wishes to move to a new level, either at a dance studio or when changing schools or grade levels.
How? PRE ASSESSMENT: Host teachers’ knowledge of the class Timing of the class/schedule of their day What have they had in preparation of your class? FORMATIVE: (In the moment of/during the class) Observation Asking if they understand - thumbs up or thumbs down Class discussion – question & answer
HOW continued . . . SUMMATIVE: At the conclusion of the class or after Rubrics Rating scales Video and photos Performances, presentations, demonstrations Journals and logs Checklists Conferences Reports Sketchbooks, illustrations, . . . Reviews Interviews Questionnaires Reflections . . .
A new language. . . Psychomotor - dancers’ ability to perform individual movements, phrases, complete dances, requires coordination, balance, flexibility, cardio respiratory endurance and strength. Cognitive assessment: what knowledge they have gained about the content of the lesson. Affective Domain: feelings, reactions, attitudes, social interactions, self concept. Bloom’s Taxonomy: Taxonomy of Educational Objectives: The Classification of Educational Goals.
WHO is doing the assessment and WHO is being assessed or evaluated? The Teacher The Student Peers Student Self-Assessment Studio Teachers/Directors Outside observers School District State Board of Education Parents
Teacher: What to ask yourself? What were the goals or objectives of the lesson or unit? What were the students expected to learn? How did the design of the learning experience contribute to meeting those objectives? Did the students learn what was intended? How do I know what they learned?
Teacher Assessment of Students Establish your criteria for assessment. Explain what you are looking for, what you expect them to do, etc. Are your directions and expectations clear? How will you incorporate your observations into your planning for the next lesson?
Peer Assessment Students can perform or practice for each other and receive feedback. You may need to define the feedback parameters.
Student - Self Assessment Prompts during your class directed to specific individuals. Feedback from students about their experience. Enthusiasm towards the tasks asked of them.
Evaluators other than teachers & students . . . Studio Teachers/Directors Outside observers School District State Board of Education Parents For presentation: Gilbert, Ann Green, Brain-Compatible Dance Education, Reston, VA., 2006, pgs. 247-250
A personal mantra . . . Where am I? Where do I want to go? What do I need (to do) to get there?