Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X Directions: In your groups, discuss the information you have read about Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X. Then complete the Venn diagram below by writing unique characteristics of each leader in the corresponding section and characteristics common to both leaders in the middle section Martin Luther King Jr. Malcolm X Was against the segregation of whites and blacks Protested non violently Ph.D. in theology Christian Born to a middle class family Lead the black boycott Wanted economic power for blacks Followed the ideals of Ghandi Won the 1964 Nobel Peace Prize His group was the SCLC Both fought for civil rights Both disagreed with each other Both went to jail Both assassinated Both wanted justice and equality for African Americans Powerful orators Both died at 39 Had educated wives Held global views Both wrote letters from prison about the “struggle” Both helped to pass laws Fought using violence Muslim Great entrepreneur Blacks should be independent of whites Born into a poor family Involved in the UNIA Father was killed by white men Father was murdered when he was 6 Grew up in a hostile environment No high school degree Both