Sweet Potato December 2008
Overview The term “sweet potato” and “yam” are often used interchangeably; however, they are actually two entirely different crops. Only sweet potatoes are grown in the U.S.; yams are grown in the Caribbean and many other tropical areas. Native to the tropical parts of the South America, and were domesticated at least 5000 years ago. Grow best at an average temperature of 75°F, with sunshine Sweet potato is a herbaceous perennial vine, with heart-shaped or palmately lobed leaves, long and tapered root. The production in 2007 was 825,438 metric ton.
Market opportunities Direct Market - on farm stand - U-Dig - internet About 25 acres of commercial sweet potato production in Kentucky. Processed sweet potatoes - baked sweet potatoes - canned sweet potatoes - fried sweet potatoes - sweet potatoes pie - sweet potatoes biscuits
Market opportunities Export Market Sweet potatoes also can be used as animal feed --- about half of the harvest is used to livestock to support a growing domestic demand for animal protein. Marketing sweet potatoes in Kentucky. - Community Supported Agriculture(CSA) - Organic production - U-Dig market
U.S. Markets and Producers Plant and food Suppliers - Central City Produce Co Inc(KY) - Williamson Produce Inc (NC) - Justice, Ronald Trucking (AR) Markets - Kentucky Farmer’s Market Directory Dig your own - ROXBURY Farm (NY)
Health and Nutrition Fresh Frozen Energy Kcal 90 100 Selenium mcg 0.2 0.6 Protein g 2.0 1.7 Vitamin A IU 19217 20870 Fat 0.1 Vitamin C mg 19.6 9.1 Carbohydrate 20.7 23.4 Vitamin E 0.7 0.8 Fiber 3.3 1.8 Vitamin K 2.3 2.5 Calcium 38 35 Thiamin Iron 0.5 Riboflavin Magnesium 27 21 Niacin 1.5 Phosphorus 54 44 Vitamin B6 0.3 Potassium 475 377 Folate 6.0 22.0 Sodium 36 8 Vitamin B12 Zinc Pantothenic Acid 0.9 Copper Manganese
Production Characteristics Sweet potatoes should not be grown on the same land more than once every 3 years Field high in organic matter should be avoided Sweet potatoes are usually bedded about 7 weeks before field-setting time Before bedded, the roots are usually placed by hand to close together but not touching Sweet potatoes grow well at a soil pH of 5.0 to 6.8
Production Characteristics One crop per year, 90 to 110 days to maturity Generally planted in the May or June Grow best on medium to light sandy that are well drained and relatively low in nitrogen Plant should be spaced 12 to 16 inches in the row and row should be spaced 3 to 3.5 feet apart Harvest the crop when crop reach the greatest number of 6 to 8 ounces
Production Characteristics Production usually peak in Kentucky at October through January Clip the vines before harvesting, then they can be harvest with less damage to the crop. Place them 6 to 8 inches off the floor and 12 to 15 inches from the walls to allow for adequate ventilation Labor needs per acre are approximately 16 hours for production, 40 hours for harvest and 40 to 50 hours for post-harvest handling
Production Characteristics Weed management - keep field and borders clear of weeds to prevent seed contamination and enable room for vines to run Pest management - few pests and disease attack sweet potatoes - pest list grubs weevil wireworms flea beetle larvae
Production Characteristics Seed management - seed stock should be held in storage for three to four weeks before bedding at a temperature of 85 to 90 degree F with humidity at 85 percent Disease management Black rot Sclerotinia blight Scurf Fusarium wilt Nematodes Pox rotation for 3 or 4 years to deal with all above disease
Production Opportunity Cost Capital Requirement - Small tractor - Sprayer - Digger - Roll Cultivator - Land Labor requirement cost are market rates for agriculture labor (2008 labor rate: $9.00) Land Opportunity cost(lease value for class A: $100)
Revenue Estimates Revenue sources revenue may vary greatly with price and yield variation - Market - U-Dig or U- Pick - Export Incentives from the government - Subsidy - Tax remission
Production Cost Overview Pre-Harvest Harvest Plants-seedlings Transplanting Labor Machinery Labor Fertilizer Herbicide Insecticide Fungicide Irrigation Tractor/machine Interest Tractor/Digger/machinery Machinery labor Labor Boxes/Bags Packing & Grading Fungicide Brokerage Curing/Storage Hauling
Gross Revenue, Costs, and Return Item Unit Price(dollar) Quantity Amount(dollar) Revenue acre 17.5 174 3045.00 Variable cost less labor 1844.15 1 labor hour 28.86 14.68 423.67 Total variable costs 2267.82 Fixed costs 72.79 Total production costs 2340.61 Interest 20.87 Total costs 2361.48 Return to land 683.52
Export Year Total export value Total production value Export /production 98 10,290 189,532 5.4% 99 10,186 214,754 4.7% 00 11,833 210,351 5.6% 01 11,936 222,658 02 14,787 214,650 6.9% 03 17,466 305,488 5.7% 04 22,236 281,558 7.9% 05 32,026 282,548 11.3% 06 30,720 295,313 10.5% 07 34,976 373,723 9.36%
Export Sweet potato export levels have increased at an average rate of 5 percent annually since 2000 Indicate a strong demand for fresh and processed in the world and anticipated to continue The ratio will continue to rise and revenue will depend on export in the future
Basic Summary Market Opportunity - U-dig - Export - Fresh Market Advantages of Sweet Potato - Shorten maturity(only 90 to 110 days) - Easy to grow, few pests and disease - lower investment and short time to recover
Appendix - Variable Cost (acre) Item Unit Price Quantity Amount Custom acre 16.5 1 Fertilizer Acre 125 Herbicide 35.01 Insecticide 85.24 Seed/plants 209 Other 1313.5 Diesel fuel gal 1.05 15.0477 15.79 Repair & maintenance 26.88 Total variable cost 1826.94
Appendix- Labor Cost (acre) Item Unit Price Quantity Amount Operator labor Hour 9.54 8.9965 85.83 Harvest labor 6.44 25 161 Planting labor 15 96.6 Hand labor 12.473 80.32 Total labor cost 423.75
Appendix- Yield, Production, Price, Value and Export year Yield per acre production Price Value of production Volume of export Value of export 98 148 12,365 15.3 189,532 33,818 10,290 99 147 12,221 17.6 214,754 38,785 10,186 00 145 13,780 210,351 39,170 11,833 01 155 14,515 222,658 44,178 11,936 02 156 12,799 16.8 214,650 49,386 14,787 03 172 15,891 19.2 305,448 56,938 17,466 04 174 16,112 17.5 281,558 61,318 22,236 05 178 15,730 18.1 282,548 96,173 32,026 06 187 16,248 18.2 295,313 82,530 30,720 07 185 18,082 18.3 373,723 89,841 34,976
References Health and Nutrition Market Opportunities www.nutritiondata.com Market Opportunities www.macraesbluebook.com attra.ncat.org Production Characteristics www.uky.edu/Ag/NewCorps/intro.html www.ca.uky.edu/agc/pubs/id/id36/id36.htm www.uaex.edu/Other_Areas/publications/PDF/
References Export Seek management Diseases management www.ers.usda.gov/publications/vgs Seek management www.uaex.edu/Other_Areas/publications/PDF/ Diseases management www.ca.uky.edu/agc/pubs/id/id36/id36.htm