Rainforest Title Page Your Name On this slide you want to create a title for your rainforest project. Then enter your name as the author. Next, go to the internet and insert a picture of the rainforest. Add background color.
Table of Contents Title Page Introduction Plants Animals Why It’s Vanishing How to Save About the Author Add a picture from the internet on your table of contents page. Add background color.
Introduction Tell what a rainforest is and where they are located in the world. Give a definition of the rainforest. Make sure you talk about rain! Name the specific parts of continents where they are found. Add a picture of a map showing this information from the internet. Add a background color.
Plant Describe a rainforest plant. Using the Jungle CD, tell about a rainforest plant. Add a picture of the plant. Add a background color.
Plant Describe a rainforest plant. Using the Jungle CD, tell about a rainforest plant. Add a picture of the plant. Add a background color.
Animal Describe a rainforest animal. Using The Jungle CD, tell about a rainforest animal. Add a picture from the internet. Add a background color.
Animal Describe a rainforest animal. Using the Jungle CD, tell about a rainforest animal. Add a picture from the internet. Add a background color.
Vanishing Tell three reasons why the rainforests are vanishing. Give three clear reasons why the rainforest is vanishing. Add an appropriate picture showing rainforest destruction. Add background color.
Save Tell three things you can do to save the rainforest. Tell three things that you could do to help save the rainforest. Add a picture from the internet of a healthy rainforest. Add background color.
About the Author Tell interesting information about yourself. Tell your name and several bits of interesting information about yourself. Add background color.