Surface Temperature and Blackbodies Surface temperature: the temperature of the visible disk of the Sun (photosphere) blackbody: a perfect radiator of light that absorbs/re-emits all light incident upon it; its light output depends solely on its temperature & has the special shape of a Planck curve. Stefan-Boltzmann Law for flux of a blackbody: F= σTeff4 F= flux σ = the Stefan-Boltzmann constant (5.67 x 10-8 T4 W/m2) T = effective (surface) temperature color provides a clue to surface temp. - higher temp---> more energy - more energy---> shorter wavelength, higher frequency
Planck Curve Planck curve Depends on temperature only the higher the temperature, the farther to the left (shorter wavelength) the peak of the curve will be The peak of a Planck curve yields the temp. of the stars as temp. increases, object emits more intensely at ALL wavelengths
Wien’s Law The Sun's blackbody spectrum peaks in the visible (yellow-green) part of the spectrum. This pertains to a temp. of about 5800 K due to Wien's Law: λmax ≈ 3 x 10-3 m T λmax = the wavelength where you receive the maximum flux-- shown by the peak of the Planck curve Background Temp. of Universe: T = 2.7 K
Sunspots Sunspots: dark areas on photosphere because they are cooler than surroundings. Tendency is to form in groups (of even numbers) form from pores between granules and then coalesce into a sunspot make sets of magnetic poles intense magnetic fields Generally persist for 2-3 solar rotations (months)
Granules are “bubbles” with a size on the order of 2000 miles in diameter. The sunspot in this photograph is about the size of the earth.
Solar Magnetism Sunspots come and go, in anywhere from 1 - 100 days. Typical groups last ~ 50 days Sunspots come in pairs and are linked by magnetic field lines.
Solar Magnetism Sunspots originate when magnetic field lines are distorted by Sun’s differential rotation
Sunspot Cycle The Sun has an 11-year sunspot cycle, during which sunspot numbers rise, fall, and then rise again
Sunspot Cycle This is really a 22-year cycle, because the spots switch polarities between the northern and southern hemispheres every 11 years Maunder minimum: few, if any, sunspots (~1645 – 1715 C.E.)