Structure of the Sun and Solar Activity
The Inner Zone a. Radiative zone. Energy moves to the outside by Electromagnetic radiation, like a heat lamp. b. The radiative zone is about 2,500,000 Centigrade c. Convective zone. Energy moves to the outside by convection, like boiling water. d. The convection zone is about 1,000,000 Centigrade
The sun’s Atmosphere a. The most inner layer is the photosphere. This is where the light is given off. Like a photograph. b. The photosphere is only about 5,500 to 6,000 degrees c. Considered the surface of the sun d. First layer of atmosphere is chromosphere e. Next layer is corona, or crown Solar wind is last layer, and it reaches to Earth and beyond
Solar Activity Sunspots a. Cool areas on the surface of the sun, so they look black b. Come 11 years cycles c. Associated with solar flares
Prominences a. Arches of glowing gases, that connect sunspots b. Can last weeks or years
Solar flares a. Eruptions of hot gas b. Can disrupt power grid on Earth
Auroras a. Glowing lights from interaction of solar wind and Earth’s upper atmosphere
Formation of the Solar System a. Sun and all of solar system formed in solar nebula b. Planets first formed planetesimals (really small) c. Planetesimals grew to protoplanets (little bigger) d. Protoplanets grew to planets