Pride and Prejudice Vocabulary
Vocab Cards Back Definition: Synonym/Antonym: Original Sentence: Visual Example: Front Vocabulary Word Part of Speech
Vocab Cards Example Back Front Perplexed Definition: puzzled; confused Synonym/Antonym: bewildered, enlightened Original Sentence: He looked perplexed by the questions on the test. Visual Example: Front Perplexed Adj. (adjective)
Chapters 1-12 Archly: adv. brashly; mischievously Censure: n. disapproval Disconcerted: adj. thrown into confusion Entail: v. to limit the inheritance of (property) to a specified line of heirs Vexed: adj. irritated; annoyed
Chapters 13-24 Abominable: adj. deserving scorn; hateful Condescend: v. to assume a superior manner Dissemble: v. to hide; to disguise Imprudent: adj. unwise Incredulous: adj. unbelieving; skeptical Lament: v. to express sorrow or regret Pompous: adj. pretentious; overly dignified
Chapters 25-38 Affability: n. friendliness Ardently: adv. passionately Composure: n. calm state of mind Discernment: n. perceptiveness Indignation: n. anger at an injustice Scruples: n. principles of right and wrong Tumult: n. state of confusion or disorder
Chapters 39-50 Anguish: n. deep suffering or pain Consolation: n. comfort; help for sorrow Felicity: n. great happiness Impetuous: adj. impulsive Indolence: n. habit of laziness Profligate: adj. recklessly wasteful; pleasure-seeking
Chapters 51-61 Alacrity: n. speed Effusion: n. outpouring of words or feelings Irrevocably: adv. in a manner impossible to reverse Saucy: adj. teasingly or amusingly bold Unabated: adj. maintaining full force