Welcome to Reception Chestnut – Miss Bates Willow - Miss Clarke
A morning in reception 8.40-8.50: Children arrive and do morning jobs (change reading books) children and parents to choose lunch before coming in. 8.50am – Doors close for parents. 8.50-9.05: Phonics 9.05-9.15: Morning activities introduced to the children. 9.15 – 11.40 Child and adult initiated learning activities 11.40-12.00 – story and lunch prep 12.00-1.10pm – lunch and play time
An afternoon in reception 1.10-1.20 – Afternoon activities introduced to the children. 1.20 – 2.30 Child and adult initiated learning activities 2.00 - Milk 2.30-2.45 Proud time and story 2.45 – 2.50 Home prep
Children will have daily phonics sessions to help them learn to read sounds and key words.
Children at the end of reception work with numbers to 20.
Mathematics Shape, space and measure The children will learn to name 2d and 3d shapes and to measure objects according to their size, weight, capacity, position, distance or time
Prior Heath Infant School E-Smart rules
Top Tips for preparing your child for school I can put on a coat independently I can use a knife and fork I can share and discuss books I can get changed independently I can recognise my name
My first week at school Monday 5th – Wednesday 7th September: Home visits Thursday 8th September: children start school (staggered times) and stay till 12pm. Friday 9th September: 8.40am – 12pm