Development of Agriculture in Georgia 129 Session ICLPST, Taoyuan, Taiwan. 10 June 2016 Inessa Kekelidze Agricultural University of Georgia
Geographical background Climate –Subtropical(West); Continental(East) The highest peak – m. Shkhara – 5 201m; the lowest –1-2.3m. Total area: 69 700 sq. km. 12 Regions Cities and towns: 65 Geographic coordinates: 42⁰00’N 43 ⁰30’E Georgia borders with: Russia, Turkey, Armenia and Azerbaijan
Demography, Language, Religion Population : 3.73 million persons (2015). Density: 53.5/km2 (137th) Currency: GEL - Georgian Lari Official language – Georgian (ქართული - “Kartuli”) Georgian alphabet from 4th cent. BC –King Parnavaz I Religion: Christianity (from 337AD)
43.4% - agricultural land 43 % - forest. Georgia has favorable climatic and natural conditions conducive to development of agriculture. Total area: 6.97 mHa 43.4% - agricultural land 43 % - forest. Diverse Biosphere: 12 different zones; 49 types of soils. Water resourses: 26 060 rivers, 850 lakes 4
Land Administration reform In 1992 Land Reform – majority of agricultural enterprises ceased their operation. Households fragmented, production naturalized. Lands divided into parcels In 2004 – Land Administration State Department was closed Lands were sold to the population. Nowadays we have: 1) private lands, 2) state lands 3) Land administration system in process of improvement
Production of Some Key AgriProducts
Table. Number of farms and Area in Georgia (2004)
Georgia is one of the oldest wine regions in the world. Grapevine - one of the main crops in Caucasus and very important for economy of Georgia. In Georgia, more than 500 varieties of Vitis vinifera are described. The fertile valleys of the South Caucasus house the source of the world's first cultivated grapevines and neolithic wine production, from over 8,000 years ago. UNESCO added the ancient traditional Georgian winemaking method using the Kvevri clay jars to the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage Lists.
The latest statistics about Georgian wine In Jan.-March (2016 ): wine export to 26 countries was: 7.7 mln bottles 51%- increase than in previous year this period First 5 countries exporters: Russia - 4 077 797, Ukraine -1 088 862, Kazakhstan - 784 844, Poland- 443 208 ; China - 371 295 bottles. Received income (from export of wine, brandy, wine material & spirits) - 33,1 mln US dollars. Export of Agricultural and food products increased by 19 % compared with 2012 and accounted $612 millions in 2015
Foreign relations Georgia is a member of : WTO (World Trade Organization) GSP(Generalised Scheme of Preferences) agreements with the US, Canada, Switzerland, Norway & Japan. Free trade agreement with Turkey & Ukraine DCFTA (Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area Agreement) with the EU.